Are You Okay?

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It had been two weeks since the hostage situation. Spencer had asked Emily if he could take some time off so he could stay close to Max, to which she didn't argue. Max's job let her postpone some of her programs to let her recuperate, but after a week Max felt ready to go back. She only had three presentations to run, but they were spread throughout the week. Spencer had wanted to see her work for a long time and he was glad he finally got to see the positive change she was making not far from their home. He also felt better about being with her most of the time. He wasn't being overbearing, but Max could tell he wanted to cling onto her more than usual. It made him feel more at ease, since the situation he had resolved definitely messed him up.
It was the last night Spencer would be home, and then he would be back with his team, traveling the states trying to catch the bad guys. They had decided to stay in, watch some shows and eat a nice home cooked meal together. Once Spencer had finished cleaning up the kitchen, Max called him into their bedroom. He found her laying on the bed in her bathrobe, her hand holding her head up. Her eyes told him to come closer, and he did, pulling the T Shirt over his head and laying down next to her.
It took some work for them to get into a rhythm, but once they found a good position, they both voiced their pleasure as Spencer moved in and out of her. He seemed nervous at first, not wanting to squish Max's stomach or jostle it around. She was thirty weeks and five days pregnant, and her bump was definitely in the way if he tried to get on top. They were both on their sides, their legs wrapped around each other. It was definitely slower than what they were used to, but they both enjoyed it just as much.
It was around eleven at night, and neither of them was looking to sleep. Spencer was reading in bed, while Max worked on her laptop next to him, finishing up a slideshow for her programs next week. She was sitting criss-crossed, hunched over her stomach as she stared at the screen. She had been feeling the baby move a lot, being able to identify if she felt an elbow or foot; but for the past couple days her stomach felt a little different. The muscles felt clenched every once in a while, and when she put a hand to it it felt firmer. Sometimes she didn't even notice it, while other times it caught her off guard. And as far as she knew, Spencer couldn't tell.
"I'm gonna go pee, and then I think I'm gonna go to sleep." Max said, closing her laptop and slipping off the bed. Spencer looked up from his book and nodded at her. After putting her laptop on the charger, Max went into the bathroom to do her business. Opening the door to step out, she felt her belly go hard again, this time making her stop in her tracks. Spencer had put his book down and was already pulling the covers over him, but seeing Max stop abruptly made him pause.
"Max, are you okay?" He asked, pulling himself up in the bed again. Max could still feel the firmness in her muscles, but she was able to move comfortably. She sat back on the bed, Spencer's hand going to her stomach.
"It's tight. Does it hurt?" He asked quietly. Just as quickly as it came on, it was gone again, and her muscles felt as they had before. "No, but I've been having that for the past two days. Sometimes it's barely noticeable."
"They're probably just braxton hicks then." Spencer pressed on her skin, feeling for their baby's movements. He seemed entranced by them, but she knew he had other things floating around in his head. Max had seen him get lost in his thoughts more often recently, and it worried her that he hadn't wanted to talk about the day at the mall. Of course they talked about it, but Spencer hadn't really voiced his feelings about it.
"So how are you feeling about going back to work tomorrow?" Max asked. He flicked his eyes up to hers and murmured "Fine, I guess."
"Just fine?"
Spencer sighed and folded his arms across his chest, looking ahead of him. Max turned her body towards and looked at him expectantly. He smiled, then looked at her. He threw the blankets off of his legs and turned to face her as well, his crossed legs bumping against hers.
"I know it's only right that I go back; it's just, I can't stop feeling like something bad will happen to you if you go out and I'm not there."
Max took his hand in hers and smiled warmly. "I'm gonna be fine on my own Spence. I have you on speed dial if anything happens. But I can't live in fear of something like that happening again." He nodded at her words and bit his lip.
"I know I probably seem like I'm worrying too much—."
"Spencer, you're not. You have every right to be worried. I know you've seen some things and to see people you care about in that position is paralyzing. I wish you didn't have to see that—."
"I wish you didn't have to either." Spencer cut in.
"I know; but it happened. And I don't want you to go back to work a nervous wreck."
He looked down at their hands. Max watched as he brought her hand up to his lips, kissing it softly. He met her gaze and smiled.
"I'm gonna be okay. I might have to call you more often when I'm gone, but I'll be okay."
Max leaned forward and kissed him, their mouths moving in perfect harmony. They laid down facing the same way with Spencer spooning Max, his arm draped over her belly. He kissed her neck softly, and just before he fell asleep, he whispered "I love you."

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