Tail End Trying.

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The days following Diana's burial, Max, Spencer, and his dad went through her room at Brookfield. She had pictures of all those she loved framed around the room, but other than that it was pretty standard. She had her jewelry box that Spencer remembered from when he was little. There was a small bookcase where she kept all her favorite works of literature, Spencer's baby photo albums, and her wedding album. All of it was packed away into boxes and brought back to the house, where they sifted through it all a bit more before stashing them away in the garage.
"Aw how old are you there?" Max asked, pointing to a picture in one of Spencer's baby books. He had on a white onesie and blue shorts, holding an American flag in his hand. Spencer slipped it out of the plastic sleeve and flipped it over, knowing his mother labeled the dates on the back of all the pictures. It was July 4, 1982, his first Independence Day.
"8 months and 6 six days."
"Look Willow, that's Daddy when he was your age." Max said, holding the picture in front of her. She babbled a little bit, but didn't have a huge reaction.
William had dinner with them a few nights before he went back to Nevada; after talking with the both of them, they did come to a conclusion that he should take the job in Lyon Village. If for no other reason, it was better that family was closer in distance, just in case anything happened. Spencer was still on edge about having a relationship with his dad, but he was willing to at least try.
Three weeks later he came back, after finalizing everything at his old firm and finding a nice apartment to reside in close to his new job. Max and Spencer helped him move in, which had given them some more time to catch up on things. The more time Max spent with William, the more she saw Spencer in him. Spencer would never admit it, but they were more alike than they were different. He, on the other hand, wasn't growing as comfortable as Max was.

Spencer's dad had been living in Virginia for almost a month, and Spencer still seemed unsettled. It wasn't even just when he was with his dad, Max noticed, but out of nowhere she could tell something was off about him. He had gone back to work, so had she; everything seemed to be going back into a nice flow, and yet every once in a while Max noticed this look in his eyes. He'd look sad, then in trying to conceal it, he'd get snappy. He'd catch himself, and then hug Max in the hopes that she'd forgive him. It had started to concern her, but she knew he was just trying to do the best he could with coping.
One night, Max had a later program, which ended around dinner time. She always turned her phone off during a presentation so she hadn't noticed that Spencer had texted her 10 minutes ago.

🤓Spencer❣️: Hey, we just landed, but I'm not gonna be home for at least an hour due to all the reports piling on my desk.

Max decided to call him rather than text him, thinking it would be faster, however his phone went straight to voicemail. She thought that was odd, then tried his cell again. Same thing, not a single ring. Max then decided to call JJ and see if she could get a hold of him that way. After two rings, she answered.
"Hey Max, is everything alright?"
"Yeah, I was just calling to see if you could put Spencer on the phone. I just got off work and I was wondering if he wanted me to pick up anything for dinner on my way home."
"Uhh Spencer went home."
"He did? That's not what he told me. He said he wouldn't be home for at least an hour due to all of his paperwork."
JJ leaned over in her chair and looked at Spencer's desk. He had a single file on it, probably from the case they just finished. It appeared that was the only report he had to fill out.
"It looks like he's all caught up, and he told us that he wanted to rush home to be with you and Willow."
"Can you try his cell? When I tried it went straight to voicemail." Max asked, concern started to seep into her senses. JJ agreed and hung up real quick, trying to get Spencer on the line. After less than a minute, she was calling Max back.
"It went straight to voicemail for me too; it either died or he turned it off, which I'm sure it was the latter given the fact that he lied to us about where he was."
JJ could hear Max start to breathe heavily on the phone, so she knew that the woman was starting to panic.
"Look Max, why don't you drive over here to the BAU? We'll have Garcia try and track his phone and maybe we can see where he's at."
After hanging up the phone, Max made her way to her car and drove to the BAU.

I Will Never Let You Go (A Maxcer Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora