Best Friends In No Time.

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By the time everything was cleaned up and Spencer was helping Savannah check out the baby, it was almost 11 p.m. Eloise was all set to stay over, while Lilith had decided to head home, promising to return sometime tomorrow. While Ayla was occupied, Max used the bathroom and put some light clothes on before settling into a comfortable position on the bed, watching as they did a check up on her newborn.
Savannah placed Ayla on a flattened pouch before bringing the two sides together, then Spencer attached the scale to the loops on the pouch. She kept a hand hovering under the pouch as Spencer held it above the bed, causing gravity to pull on the springs and calculate how much the little girl weighed.
"It looks like 8 pounds on the dot to me." Spencer said.
"8 pounds? That's less than what I was expecting." Max commented.
"She weighs more than Willow did though."
"How much was she?" Savannah asked.
"7 pounds, 2 ounces, and 20 inches long." Spencer said, placing Ayla gently back on the bed. He straightened one of her legs so Savannah could measure her height, which came out to be a little over 20 ½ inches. She then measured the circumference of her head and checked her reflexes, taking note that they were all up to par; and after giving her all the appropriate shots and slipping a diaper on her, Spencer swaddled Ayla up and held her close to his chest.  Her eyes had been open during most of the exam, but now they were drifting closed; however, she wasn't completely asleep as evidenced by her mouth moving like crazy.
"I think someone's getting hungry." Spencer murmured, bringing Ayla over to Max and placing her in her arms. He helped her get positioned while keeping her covered and soon enough Ayla was having her first meal of many.
"Well I'd say that went well. Ayla's doing great and Max, make sure you take the antibiotics for the next couple days and Ibuprofen should help with any pain." Savannah said, gathering her bag onto her shoulder. They both said their thanks to her and Spencer led her out to her car, hugging her before she headed home. Once he returned to their bedroom, he noticed his wife smiling down at Ayla and Eloise asleep in a chair in the corner.
"I see someone's exhausted." He quipped, pointing over at his sister in law and sliding into his side of the bed. Max smirked.
"Aren't we all?"
"Once she's done, you should get some real rest."
"I actually feel wide awake. You look like the one who needs sleep."
Spencer hadn't realized, but he'd been straining to keep his eyes open; still however, he wasn't quite ready for sleep to overcome him.
"So tell me honestly: was that a better or worse experience than Willow's birth?" Spencer asked.
"It was better, way better. Still hurt really bad, but totally worth it." Max said, placing a soft kiss on Ayla's head.
"Her hair is curlier than Willow's was." Spencer murmured, lightly running his fingers over her soft head.
"She also has more than Willow did. I wonder if it's gonna stay this way."
"Well if that's the case she probably got it from me. My hair is naturally curly except when it's short you don't notice it."
"Umm I don't know if curly is the right word. I've seen guys with really curly hair and yours is not like that." Max cooed.
"So what? Would you call it natural bed-head?" Spencer questioned.
Max raised an eyebrow as she thought for a moment.
"A controlled, natural bed-head that makes you look sexy. That's what I'd call it."
Spencer blushed slightly and leaned up to kiss her. They stayed awake for a while longer, pointing out all the similarities and differences between Ayla and Willow while Max continued to nurse. Spencer couldn't pinpoint when, but eventually he started to drift asleep, Max following suit soon after.

When they woke up the next morning, they heard the shower running in the bathroom down the hall and looking over at the empty chair they confirmed it was Eloise. Max had fed Ayla once more during the night and hadn't taken her off her chest, so her shirt was tousled upwards, exposing some skin. Spencer also felt stiff, not having moved a lot while he was asleep.
"Good morning." He purred.
"Morning." Max whispered, puckering her lips. He got the incentive and gave her a peck before getting out of bed and stretching. His phone sounded, alerting him of a text message and he looked down to see that he had numerous messages from various people throughout the early morning. A lot of them were in response to the baby pictures he'd sent late last night.

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