I Felt That.

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It was a paperwork day at the BAU. Rossi, Emily and JJ were all in their offices. Matt was at his own desk actually working, while Spencer watched Tara and Luke have another one of their banters. "I refuse to believe that a hotdog is a taco." Tara stated as she sat on the corner of Luke's desk. "It makes perfect sense. What's not to believe? Reid, back me up here." Luke said as he leaned back in his chair. Spencer shook his head with a smirk.
"Majority of people like to consider a hot dog its own thing; however there are people who consider it a sandwich. A sandwich is two slices of bread that are not connected but have spreads or meat in it. If the bun is not connected it would be considered a sandwich. However, a taco is a tortilla that folds over to hold its contents, so if the bun is connected on one side it could be considered a taco."
"Ha. Luke, fifteen. Tara, ten." Luke said smugly. Tara put her hand up to both of them and walked back to her desk, shielding her face with a file. Spencer laughed and swiveled in his seat to face the doors to the bullpen. It was noon, and his contacts decided to be annoying and irritate his eyes. He tried to fix them, but that resulted in him folding one of them by accident, forming a crease in the middle of it. Spencer knew he couldn't put them back in, but he was blind as a bat and couldn't see two feet in front of him clear enough to work. Luckily, Max had a later program at the Smithsonian and said she'd stop by to drop off his glasses, since unfortunately that was his last pair of contacts. Emily opened her door and stepped out onto the catwalk. "Guys, roundtable, we have a case." she said, walking towards it herself. Spencer cringed but got up, knowing he would have to pay attention completely by hearing without looking at the case file himself just yet. He hoped Max got here soon before they had to leave because there was no way he was gonna be able to work the case with clear vision. Spencer was just about to call her when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned, seeing her before him with his glasses and a bag from their favorite coffee shop.
"Hey, I was just about to call you."
"Yeah, sorry I'm a bit late. I was making some tweaks to my program and then Michelle called and asked if I wanted to meet up with her. Then you texted about your contacts and I had to call in a new prescription and run home to get your glasses." Max said, handing over his glasses and the bag. He slipped them on, thankful now that he could see, and peered inside the bag. A chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles. "Aw thank you so much." Spencer said, pulling her closer to give her a kiss on the head.
"O M G, Max is that you?" Garcia squealed. Max turned around to see Garcia in her usual vibrant attire with her unicorn mug. Max smiled and gave her a hug.
"Hi Penelope. It's great to see you."
"It's great to see you too. And it's also great to finally see that." Garcia said, gesturing to her bump, which had grown a lot more since the last time she'd seen her. "Eighteen weeks yesterday." Max said, turning to the side. Garcia squealed again, grabbing the attention of some people passing by.
"Garcia, Reid, we need to start the briefing." JJ said from the doorway to the roundtable room. She looked past them both to see Max and walked down the small stairs with a pep in her step. "Max, hey. I didn't know you were coming. What's the occasion?" She said, giving her a quick squeeze.
"Dr Reid broke his contacts and asked me to bring his glasses." Max said with a smirk. JJ glanced at Spencer, whom she now only realized that he had glasses on. She nodded and looked back to Max. "How have you been? There's something different about you." She asked, putting a finger to her chin, feigning innocence. Max snorted and put a hand to her belly. "I'm great, my back's starting to hurt though." JJ and her laughed.
"Well you definitely have the glow."
"Doesn't always feel that way, but thanks."
"JJ, where did--" Emily said walking out onto the catwalk. She caught onto what the commotion was about and said "Reid we'll brief you on the plane. JJ, Garcia." They bid their goodbyes and left the couple alone. Spencer bit his lip and turned back to Max, who had a knowing look on her face. "You have a case." It wasn't a question, and Spencer knew that. Leaning on his desk, he pulled Max to stand between his legs. He hugged her tight, taking her scent. It would be a couple days before he got to have a moment with her again, so he wanted to savor it for as long as he could. Max let out a small gasp as he placed a kiss on her neck. She pulled away, which made Spencer confused for a moment. "What is it?" He asked, noticing that she was looking down with a hand on her stomach. She stood there for a moment, still not saying anything. Spencer started to get worried seeing her freeze like this, so he probed again. "Max?" She grabbed his hand then, bringing it to the place on her belly that she had hers previously. "You know how I said I was getting those butterflies feelings the past week? At first they were so light, but today I've been feeling them a lot stronger." Just then, Spencer felt a small movement beneath his hand and his eyes widened.
"I felt that." He said softly, mesmerized at the spot where his hand was. Max smiled down at him. "I felt it this morning when I woke up, when I was with Michelle and just now. And not just on the inside--" The baby kicked again against Spencer's hand. This time he gasped, then he met Max's eyes. "I can feel our baby." Spencer said softly, pressing his lips to hers. They kept their hands together on Max's bump, still feeling the child's movements. The doors to the roundtable room opened, causing Max and Spencer to separate. Emily was the first out of the room and made her way towards them.
"How is everything?" Emily asked with a smile, putting a hand on Max's arm. They both smiled at her, then Max said "Everything's great. But I better get going; my program starts at two and I need to start setting things up." She gave Spencer enough room to stand up completely and wrapped her arms around his neck. Wrapping his arms around Max's waist, he mouthed to Emily "How long?" Emily mouthed back to him "Ten." He gave her a tight lipped nod, then watched as she walked back to her office. Max let go of Spencer just enough to kiss him quickly on the lips, then released him completely and adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "Be safe okay? Text me where you're going and when you land." Spencer nodded and leaned down to grab his bag. Looking up again, he saw Max at the entrance doors as she blew him a kiss. He puckered his lips at her quickly, seeing her grin widely as she walked away.

I Will Never Let You Go (A Maxcer Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें