Oh, Wow, Okay.

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Max was on the phone with Spencer, who was away in Mississippi, while she changed Ayla's diaper one morning. The case he was currently working was an interesting one, but it was also proving to be difficult to solve. He'd already been there six days, and it was looking like he'd still be there well over a week, which only made Max more discontented. She and the girls all had check ups; and she was due for some blood work while they needed some shots.
"So are you gonna be alright today?" Spencer asked.
"I'll manage. My mom is coming along and last time Willow got vaccinated she seemed okay. She just needed some hugs and a lollipop. Ayla on the other hand might give me a headache."
When Willow was teething, she cried for a while before falling asleep, but once she did she stayed asleep until morning. Ayla had been waking up during some nights screaming like a banshee, so much so Max worried if it was because of something other than her teeth. Miraculously, Willow would sleep through every ordeal while they slaved away to soothe her back to sleep.
"Well let me know if you need anything and--"
"You'll come running. I love you babe." Max finished.
"I love you too. I'll keep you posted."
With a click of a button, Max got off the phone with Spencer and dropped Ayla's old diaper into the trash bin next to her. She snapped the closures of her onesie back up and stood her up on the changing table, seeing her smile with two faint lines on her bottom gums. She shook her gently, eliciting some giggles from her.
"I don't understand you, you're so happy now but later on when I'm trying to put you to bed you'll be a mess."
"I don think she like to sleep Mommy." Willow said, coming up beside Max with her hair tousled.
"You might be right. Now what hairstyle do you want? It's gotta be quick 'cause we don't wanna be late to our doctors appointments."
"Want one bun or two?"
"Alrighty." Max said, placing Ayla on the floor and grabbing two hair bands before sitting on the floor herself with Willow in front of her.

"Remind me to make their appointments separate next time." Max whispered, closing Willow's door slowly after she put her down for a nap. They'd made an error and allowed Willow to watch Ayla get her shots, which caused her to start bawling before a needle was even brought near her. Then once it was her turn, she tried to slip off the table and Lilith had to restrain her arms while Max kept her legs in place. She only cried for a minute once it was over and stopped completely after she got a lollipop, but it made Max feel more fatigued for when she got her blood drawn.
"I will make a note of that." Lilith chuckled.
"Thank you so much for helping out Mom, really."
"Of course, anytime."
"So while they are asleep, what can I get you? Tea, coffee? Anything you in the mood for?" Max questioned, leading her mother downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Tea is fine. I've had more energy since I've stopped my therapies."
Max jerked her neck to look at her with a concerned face.
"What do you mean, 'stopped your therapies'?"
"At the moment, I no longer need them. I'm currently in remission." Lilith said, a smile growing on her face. Max's jaw dropped slightly and tears started to prick her eyes. She moved around the island to embrace her mother, surprised and relieved to hear the news.
"When did that happen? You never mentioned that it was getting better."
"Well of course you never know, and there are some medications that they want to keep me on, but radiation and chemo are not necessary if there's no active cells. Two weeks ago they told me and I wanted to see if it would stick. I feel good, so I was waiting for the right time to tell you."
"This is great news Mom. We need to celebrate with the family once Spencer gets home."
"If he ever gets home." Lilith joked. Max slightly grimaced and turned to the cabinets, reaching up to grab the tea bags. Two things were worrying her simultaneously: the longer that the unsub was still out there, the more people that were in danger and if they couldn't get any other leads, the case would be filed as cold and they'd have to come home in defeat. In the time that Max had been with Spencer, she'd only known of one case that he worked on that ran cold and they had to put the investigation to rest. She noticed that it messed with his head for a while, and he became paranoid about little things; she had even found him up late at night thinking about the case and what they could've missed. Over time it seemed to bother him less, but she'd hate to see him like that again; she also didn't want there to be a serial killer on the loose.

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