One Place In Mind.

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When Spencer and Max arrived home the night Diana died, JJ was waiting by the front windows, waiting for them to pull up. Once they did and entered the house, she pulled Spencer into a hug, not letting him go for several minutes. When Max had called her from the hospital, she silently let some tears fall as to not wake Henry, who still lay asleep on the couch. She had calmed herself down a bit, but seeing Spencer caused new tears to line her cheeks.
They thanked her immensely for taking care of Willow and for trying to give them a special night, and JJ woke Henry up from the couch. He was barely awake, and he didn't register that Spencer and Max were home before midnight. Before stepping out the front door, JJ told Spencer to call her in the morning if they needed anything. He nodded and watched her get in her car.
They went upstairs as quiet as can be, partially so they didn't wake Willow but also because they were so drained and couldn't move very fast. They took off their date night clothes and put on their pajamas, slipping under the covers without a word. Max crept closer to Spencer, intertwining their fingers. They stared at each other for a few minutes, some tears still slipping from both their eyes.
"I'm gonna have to call Emily in the morning; ask for some time off and when the team will have at least two days off for the wake and funeral." Spencer whispered, rubbing Max's hand with his thumb. Max shifted her head a little, which he counted as a nod. Then she placed a hand on his cheek, wiping some of the moisture off the surface.
"Don't worry about all the phone calls we're gonna have to make. Right now, let's just try and rest."
Spencer wiped the water lines of his eyes and sniffled, wrapping his arm around Max.
"I love you." He whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I love you too."
It took a while for them both to fall asleep, but once they did, they didn't have long until Willow would inevitably wake them up.

The following day, Spencer and Max had dozens of phone calls to make. Before they could call the funeral home that Addy had referred them to, Spencer had to call Emily to see if and when the team would be home, as well as how much time he could have off afterwards. Of course she said that he could take as much time as he needed, and that she was very sad to hear that Diana had passed; however a new case had just come in that morning, so they'd probably have to schedule the wake and burial at the beginning of the following week.
Max got in touch with the funeral home, and she set the wake date two days after the team should've arrived home. It also gave time for a lot of Diana's friends from Las Vegas to come to D.C. After a few calls with his team, Addy, and even some of the residents of Brookfield, Spencer had one last important phone call to make.
He and his dad had a relationship similar to how Max and her mother were; he left him and Diana when he was 10, and he didn't see him again until he was 27. In that time, Spencer had graduated highschool early, which brought its own set of challenges. At age 18 he had his mother committed; at age 20 he joined the FBI and moved to D.C. As fate would have it, Spencer went through a time where a dream about a dead kid hidden in a basement haunted him so much that Morgan was concerned for him. That dream caused him to seek out his father, and although his father wasn't a killer, their relationship was never completely patched up. They sent birthday cards, Christmas cards; William even sent money for Willow's college fund when she was born. But he never flew to come see them, and vice versa.
Spencer honestly didn't want to call his dad. He didn't want to talk to anyone, not even Max. He just needed a few minutes to himself, which he knew Max would give him if he asked; but he felt selfish to do that, since she was hurting too. It was true, what she had said to Diana at the hospital. For the three and a half years that they'd known each other, Diana had been the mother Max never had. Although they didn't see each other often, they had chats when Spencer wasn't listening. Sometimes they talked about him; other times it was about goals and work; other times it was about what our true purpose in life was. Max knew very early on that Diana was just as bright as her son, even in her state; and Diana knew that Max was good for Spencer. She was a break from all the facts and gruesome murders that he was encountered with every day. She was something to look forward to when he came home, and in Diana's eyes, that's what Spencer needed most.
Spencer clicked on his dad's contact, pressing the call button and bringing the phone to his ear. It rang four times, then he finally answered.
"Hey Spencer, is something wrong?"
"Mom...passed away last night."
Spencer heard a noise that sounded like someone choking on a liquid.
"What?" His father asked breathlessly.
"Mom had a brain aneurysm and it caused a stroke. She was brought to the hospital but the damage had been done. I was with her when she--." Spencer stopped to take a deep breath, but his dad knew what he was gonna say.
"I'm so sorry son."
" too Dad."
"When's the funeral and everything? I'll head there as soon as I can."
"It's the middle of next week, so there's no rush."
He heard his dad take a deep breath through the phone. "Well I could stay for a couple days in D.C. Maybe we could catch up a bit. How's my granddaughter doing?" Spencer felt a bit ticked off that his dad changed the subject just like that, but he also felt relief from it, since talking about his mom too much started to make him shut down.
"She's good. She crawls pretty fast now. I've been reading her books and she actually seems to be interested in them."
"Nice. How old is she?"
"She just turned 8 months."
"That's a fun age. Enjoy it while you can."
"Alright. Let me know when you're gonna come. I could pick you up at the airport."
"That would be great Spencer, thank you."
They said goodbye to one another, then Spencer hung up the phone, placing it on his desk and rubbing his eyes. He heard a knock on the door, so he swiveled in his chair to see Max standing there with a cup of coffee.
"I just put her down for a nap, thought you could use some fuel." She said, handing him a mug. As he took a sip from it, Max stood behind him and played with his hair; then placed her chin on his head, dropping her arms to loop around his neck. "How was the call with your dad?" She asked hesitantly.
"Pretty much like every other call I've made today, which just emphasizes how much I want to throw this thing at the wall." Spencer said, picking up his phone and then sliding it back on the desk. Max pulled up her swivel chair from her desk and slid it next to him, plopping down in it and taking both of his hands in hers. Neither of them spoke for several minutes. Max watched Spencer's face while he gazed down at their clasped hands.
"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get through this." She said tenderly. Spencer didn't move a muscle, other than blink.
"Do you hear me?" Max asked, leaning her head down to move into his line of sight. Spencer gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded, then took back his hands and swiveled around in his chair so he was facing his desk. He leaned his elbows on the desk and smoothed his hair down from front to back. Then he took his keyboard and clicked a few buttons, making some windows pop up that contained reports and crime scene photos. Max could feel a vibe that he wanted to be alone and try to take his mind off things, so she stood and squeezed his shoulder before walking out of their office.

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