We Got A Name.

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Spencer and Max bolted awake when they heard crying coming from the baby monitor. It was sitting in Max's lap, as they were both slumped against the wall. Max stood and stretched her arms above her head, then made her way down the hall to where Willow had been sleeping. Rubbing his eyes, Spencer glanced at his watch; it was four thirty a.m. It wouldn't be long until people started to show up for work. He followed to where Max had gone, watching her from the doorway for a few moments as she consoled their daughter. Willow's cries had died down as Max bounced her, and she brought her over to Spencer.
"Hi Wils, couldn't sleep any longer?" He said as Max handed her to him. Once she was in his arms, he could smell what was bothering her. He looked at Max, who already had a finger on the tip of her nose, wearing a smirk. He lightly shoved her shoulder, taking a blanket out from the bag and laying it on the couch.
After he changed Willow's diaper, Spencer changed her clothes for the day. He and Max also changed their clothes, keeping an eye on Willow as they let her crawl along the floor for a bit. When they exited the room, the elevator was already dinging, opening to let people onto the floor. A couple people got off, two of them being Rossi and Emily. They saw the family walking towards the bullpen and met them in front of the doors.
"Reid, I hope you didn't stare at that board all night." Emily said. Remembering the events of last night, he smirked and nodded in Max's direction.
"I did not, thanks to this one." Rossi gave him a look and he seemed to catch his drift, however he didn't alert Emily of it.
"How was Willow? Sleeping away from home." Rossi asked, reaching out to give the baby's hand a shake.
"She was fine. Going down wasn't too much of a problem and she stayed asleep till four thirty." Max said, smoothing over Willow's hair.
"Alright, well the rest is on their way. We should go review some stuff and then figure out what we are gonna do next." Emily said, eliciting a nod from Spencer and Rossi before walking off to her office. Rossi lingered another moment and the look returned.
"Just, tell me it wasn't anywhere in the bullpen or my office."
Spencer chuckled and shook his head, then Rossi left for his office. Turning to Max, he said "How about I let you into Penelope's lair and you can stay with her for today?" She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, not looking directly at Spencer.
"This will be over soon. I promise." He said softly.
Max finally looked back up at him and took a deep breath. With a nod, he led her to Garcia's office, entering her code to open the locked door. Once inside, Willow started reaching out towards Garcia's desk, which was littered with small toys. Knowing some of them were too small for her, Spencer made a mental note that whoever was watching her in this room needed to keep a close eye.
After a few minutes, Garcia walked through the open door, almost horrified.
"Oh my god, I thought someone broke in. Why are you in here?"
"Is it alright if you have a few visitors for today?" Spencer asked sweetly. Garcia immediately calmed down and nodded her head.
"Oh yeah of course. I love visitors, especially tiny humans." She answered smiling, walking forward to tickle Willow's feet. She laughed and reached for Garcia's hair clip. Garcia took a step back this time and handed her a squishy ball from her desk.
"Not this time girlfriend."
Spencer handed the baby to Max, placing a kiss to her lips and walked out of the room. It was time to get back to business. When he entered the conference room, everyone was already there starting fresh.
"Alright so Colin Bray doesn't fit the profile, so that now leaves us with zero suspects." Luke said from his seat, looking over the notes on Bray.
"He might not, but someone from that bar on that night does. The timing matches up." Spencer said, looking over the photos of Max. He turned around and looked at the three women in the room. "You were all with her that night, along with Garcia. Did any of you see someone that looked off around her?" They all shook her heads, but Tara was the only one who spoke up.
"None of us were with her during her talk with Bray. It was only after a few minutes of them talking that any of us realized she wasn't dancing. I originally thought she escaped to the bathroom to call you, so I started to make my way there when I spotted her at the bar."
"Maybe someone noticed their interaction. Whatever was said between the two of them could've been a trigger." JJ said.
"It's possible, but the only way we can figure out what was going on around them during the interaction would be to do a cognitive." Emily said, focusing her attention on Spencer. He nodded once and got up from his seat.
"Alright I'll do it."
"Spencer no, I think it would be best if one of us did it." Emily said, causing him to slowly sit back down. Rossi stood and clapped him on the shoulder, before walking out of the room to find Max.

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