Safe Once Again.

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The team showed up to Cody's dorm with their firearms at the ready. He was supposed to be in class, however after having Garcia take a peak at some of his attendance records, he hadn't been showing up to classes the majority of the time in the past month, especially around the time of the abductions.
"Cody Yates, FBI." Emily shouted through the door. When no one answered, Luke busted the door open and led the team in, finding no one in the room. Holstering their guns, they all scattered throughout the room trying to find anything that pointed them in the direction of Cody's location. Emily's earpiece rang and she answered it, knowing it was Garcia.
"Okay so I found something: apparently Cody must have a lot of motor vehicles because he's bought cans and cans of gasoline, along with three boxes of matches." She said sarcastically.
That didn't make sense to Emily, but then Luke brought over a spiral notebook that looked years old. In more than one journal entry, it had Cody cursing out his father, saying all the things he wanted. He must've had some plan to tell all this stuff to his dad one day, but due to recently finding out about his father's passing, he can't get to him.
"The men and women are surrogates for his parents. He must be making the men watch him torture the women, but we still don't know what he does with them afterwards." Emily said to Luke and Garcia. Luke flipped to a more recent page and showed her a line written by Cody.
"I want him to burn in hell." It said, and then it clicked as to why he was buying so much gasoline. After the women had died, he would burn the men alive, taking the anger out on them that he can no longer do to his father.

"How much longer do we have until he comes back?" Allie asked.
"5 minutes 23 seconds, give or take." It wasn't the first time Allie had asked and after a brief discussion on Spencer's innate ability to subconsciously countdown minutes, she was no longer surprised at his precision.
He'd been trying for the past hour to get his swiss army knife from his pocket, which proved to be a hard and long process. Once he finally got it out though, it became even more of a challenge for him to cut the rope that bound his wrists to the chair. It was cutting through, so Spencer just had to hope that the unsub wouldn't get there before he at least got his one arm free.
"Finally." He murmured as the rope snapped and started to unravel on its own. He quickly got it off his one wrist, then easily got it off his other, allowing him to stand up and rush over to Allie's side. Just as he was about to get her first arm free, the door opened, allowing moonlight to shine through. The unsub stalked towards them with two gas cans just as Allie was freed, and Spencer shoved her behind him protectively.
"Where do you two think you're going?" The unsub growled.
"Allie is gonna be set free. Me and you are gonna stay here until the police show up." Spencer stated, choosing his words carefully.
"Oh really? You think I'm just gonna let her walk out of here and me and you are gonna have a chat, Mister FBI?" He mocked.
"Let her go, and you can take all your anger out on me." Spencer said. The unsub eyed him as he placed the two gas cans down. He looked past Spencer at Allie and nodded his head towards the exit.
"Get lost."
Allie looked up at Spencer with a worried look; he knew she didn't want to just leave him there, but he knew that the unsub would try and hurt her first. Getting her out of there was his first priority, his second was to disarm this unsub and restrain him. With a nod from Spencer, Allie bolted to the exit, the unsub following behind her. He let her leave, then locked the only exit Spencer could see.

Looking around the rest of Cody's room, the team was finding no trail for where he was torturing his victims and burning the men's bodies. His room was already a mess, but after sifting through a lot of his things it was in even more disarray, making it hard to discern where to look next. Emily called Garcia and waited for her to pick up.
"Hands are at the ready."
"Can you bring up Cody's phone and text records?" She asked. After several moments, all the information was displayed on Garcia's screens.
"Professors, his aunt and uncle a couple times, other than that there's a bunch of random ones; except there is one that he seemed to text a lot in the past month. George Kelly...who is also a student at Northwood University. Based on how they spoke to one another I'd say they were best friends. They talked about girls, school, work, apparently the warehouse that George worked at shut down 3 months ago and he was really bummed about it. Then right around the time Cody found out about his dad he was constantly texting George, venting about how he was so mad that he quote "wouldn't be able to F-U-C-K him up and wanted him to pay."
Emily thought about Cody's method of killing; he'd need to kill in a secluded place, a place where no one could easily see or hear, even smell from afar.
"Where is the warehouse that George used to work at?" She asked.
"Uhh Mobrey Lane. That whole area is like a construction site, but due to faulty wiring and budget constraints a lot of projects over there have been abandoned. Just sent the address to your phones, now bring our genius home." Garcia said, clicking off to let her team do what they did best.

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