Triwizard championship twist

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-Come on we have to go!- Merida says tugging at her mothers arm towards the boat

-Come on dad we'll be late- Hiccup pulls his fathers arm towards the dragons

-Move it!- Rapunzel pulls Eugene's arm toward the carriage

-Elsa I'm leaving!- Anna says closing the door behind her

-I'm also leaving- Elsa says but her sister doesn't hear her

-North I'm leaving- Jack says shouldering his staff -Rabbit be a dear and open a portal-

And this way all six of them get ready to begin the most exciting year of their lives.

-Hogwarts express leaves in ten minutes!- a man shouts -please load your trunks!- Hiccup arrives breathing hard lugging his suitcase behind him, his father smiles at him, says goodbye and leaves, passing Merida and her mother who's the complaining that she got all worked up for nothing, she pats her daughters head and gives her a quick hug before turning around and leaving, Merida smiles and goes into the train, a hole appears near the entrance and out comes Jack with his light suitcases he grins micheviously and heads for the train, Rapunzel hugs and kisses Eugene once more before also boarding the train, Eugene smiles and waves at her, Anna is already on board and looking for a compartment when she spots her sisters white hair, her eyes grow wide and she curses stepping into the first compartment she finds, Elsa boards the train and finds a compartment occupied by a red headed girl with feckles splattered across her cheek bones and a brown haired girl with many braides in her hair, her nose in a book

-is this compartment full?- Elsa asks and the read headed girl shakes her head

-no come on in- she says scooting over to make oom for her

-thank you- Elsa says and she puts her bag on top, sits down and begins to talk with the read headed girl named Merida. Anna on the other hand stepped into a compartment with Hiccup and Jack frost

-oh I'm sorry- Anna says quickly

-no worries- the brown head boy says, hes dressed very weirdly as if he were from a village of some sort

-i'll just go- Anna grabs the handle but the white haired boy speaks

-stay, i expect most compartments are full by now- he has a smile in his eyes and a staff, Anna turns and decides to sit next to the other boy

-Thank you- she says quietly

-You're welcome- the boy beside her says and holds out his hand

-i'm Hiccup, nice to meet you- Anna grabs his hand

-Anna- Anna says

-nice to meet you too-

-i'm Jack- he says nodding to both of us

-nice to meet you Jack- Hiccup says and takes some building tools from his pocket, Jack stares put the window and so Anna decides to read. They stay like that until have the trip has passed.

-Hello i'm Elsa- Elsa says to the red head

-i'm Merida- they shake hands, the brown haired girl looks up from her book and stares at them until she realizes that theyre presenting themselves

-i'm sorry, my names Rapunzel- she says putting her book down

-pleased to meet you two- Elsa says

-same here- Merida answers

-Yes- Rapunzel says before picking up her book again, Merida and Elsa stare at each other and giggle

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