Preview of Beyond the Boundary

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Meera 2019

A lady with a beautiful grey eyes and Raven hair was sitting down painting, someone knocked on the door but she didn't respond. The person opened the door and said

"Aria? You have a visitor" the beautiful brunette with hazel eyes said, the lady was still painting no response.

"Your sister" she stopped painting immediately and looked at the brunette

"Let's go see her" she stood up and removed her apron, dropped the brush and cleaned her hand

She left while the girl followed.

Two men wearing suit opened a heavy door and bowed down until she went through the door.

The room was very big with a throne and men at each corner of it. A blonde was standing there in front of the throne. The Raven hair lady sat down on the throne while the brunette stood beside her.

"Emerald" the blonde said

"You have to address her as Aria" the brunette said

"It's okay Mia, I don't expect her to possess such manners" the Raven hair lady said to the brunette

The blonde laughed
"Emerald, Emerald, I can call you the fuck I want"

"So Rose why are you here?" Emerald said to the blonde

"I found out that some of the companies you have in New York City, you don't actually make use of them"

"Get straight to the point"

"I want you to give me the art gallery"

"What do you know about art, Rose"

"I am a fool Emerald, I will sell it"

"My answer is no Rose and that's final" she stood up to leave

"Is this about Markus?" She stopped

"Markus has nothing to do with this"

"Liar, you are angry that you can't feel what I feel every day, the kisses that Markus gives me and the love he makes me feel, that's the kind of feeling you will never feel"

Emerald looked at her then said, "Daniel"

A guard came forward

"Throw this woman out" the guard went towards Rose

"Wait" Emerald said, "I changed my mind" the guard stopped

"Take two steps back and close your eyes" the guard did that

"Turn around" he did and Emerald came closer to Rose and said

"That's the kind of power you will never have"

"Excuse me" a man said and Emerald looked at him, he was a huge man wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans, with the most beautiful blue eyes Emerald has ever seen and she was lost in his and he was lost in her piercing grey eyes.

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