Chapter 7

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I felt the ground break under my feet as I ran. I couldn't stop thinking about why they wouldn't help me and it pissed me off honestly.

I don't care if they don't but the fact that they aren't because they didn't want me on their team because I'm a woman ticked me off.

I'm sorry I don't have a penis but I didn't ask for your attitude now did I!

I shook my head filled with angry thoughts. I need to focus on the guy's ahead of me.

I stopped once I was trapped in a circle of five guys all around me.

I heard a few of them scuff and acted like it would be easy to take me down. I smirked, this is going to be one hell of a problem.

"Hey little girl are you gonna defeat all five of us big strong men in front of you!" The guy laughed as he gestured towards all the tall buff men around me.

I laughed out loud. I watched as this bastards face twisted in anger. I then stopped laughing when I felt a hand around my throat.

Stifling the laughter in my throat down, I looked up at him. A wicked grin plastered on my face.

The guy lifted me up and threw me at a tree, "Now sit there and be a good girl. I want to hear the screams come from those sweet plumped lips of yours and you'll do what I say or else we'll kill you." The guy ahead of me narrowed his eyes towards me.

I cocked my head to the side. A deep crazy filled laughter was heard from me. Sakura's bangs cover her eyes. She moved as fast as lightning and she was on top of him glaring down at him. Her wicked grin still plastered on her face and she was still stifling down her laughter.

"Eh! You didn't even put up a fight! But hears something for you, I'm Sakura....Sakura of the four elements the leader of the second strongest clan!" Sakura's sadistic eyes was filled with cold harshness.

She chuckled a bit as she watched the man below her struggle underneath the force of her body.

The men around her looked scared but they mustered up the strength and charged towards her.

Without even moving she looked up and glanced at them and they stopped and fell on their knees...dead.

She looked back at the man, who was probably shitting himself right at this exact moment, "Don't you fucking dare think that a woman can't put up a fight ever again." Her voice was so cold it sent visable chills down his back.

Before he could even say anything Sakura flicked her chakra filled finger at his forehead. The guy's body was sent underneath the ground beneath him.

The explosion of the action caused her team to run towards her and what they saw was jaw dropping. They couldn't believe one single human took down five men! Especially as a matter of fact!

Their jaws hung to the ground as the dust from the explosion covered the hour-glass figure that was walking towards them. The spark of her green eyes flickered in to their eyes.

"Hey! I thought you guys would wait up there for me?" She questioned them. Sakura smiled at the shock filled faces.

"Come now we still gotta do our mission." She gestured them to follow her as she walked past them.

"What happened?" Naruto asked flabbergasted.

Sakura's eyes hardened and they traveled towards the guys body that was underneath the earth.

Naruto flinched as he followed her eyes to the body. What he saw terrified him.

"What he said about girls not putting up a fight kinda pissed me off. He's lucky I went easy on him." Sakura shrugged and continued forward.

The guy's eyes widened at what she said, 'that was her going easy on them!' was all they thought.

"Dear lord what did M'Lady get us into." Kakashi whispered to his students by him as he watched Sakura's body inch away from them.


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