Chapter 19

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"Sakura! Sasuke! We're back!" We both heard Naruto yelling but that didn't stop the kiss. What did stop the kiss was that we ran out of breath.

We both pulled back and stared into one another's eyes. He grazed my cheek with his hand making me lean into it. He pulled me back into one more kiss before he got up.

He reached down his hand to help me up and I gladly took it. Smiling at one another. We laced our fingers together and continued walking outside to Naruto and Kakashi.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS HOLDING HANDS!?" Naruto screamed. He looked at our hands like a ghost appeared.

"Dobe shut up will ya it's early in the morning!" I looked over at the irritated but embarrassed Uchiha.

I giggled a bit and decided to tease him, "That didn't stop you from kissing me." I pointed out causing Naruto's mouth open and close like a fish outta water.

"I see you guys went straight to work then." Kakashi winked towards the both of us. I know he was teasing but I played along. Just to see that embarrassed blush form on my lovers face.

"Yea he was amazing and it felt amazing too." I blushed. But on the inside I was choking of laughter. I watched as all three guy's faces went from pink to red.

"Get your head outta the gutter! I meant the kiss! Baka's!" I screamed out in embarrassment. Kakashi sighed from relief, Naruto didn't believe me and Sasuke sent a playful glare towards my direction.

I sent him a smirk that said what-you-gonna-do-about-it. He smirked back and pulled me back in the tent. I'm pretty sure Kakashi realized this action cause he sent a smirk towards my way while Naruto well ya know he's Naruto.

"What was that for?" I playful glared up at him. He sent down a smirk.
I was gonna protest but he contacted his lips to my neck and hoisted me up from the ground causing me to wrap my legs around his waist.

I gasped at the sensation of his lips dancing on my neck, leaving his marks, claiming me as his.

"Sasuke." I whimpered out. Man damn him for using his charms on me. Asshole.

He smirked on my skin creating goosebumps all over my body. I felt him walking backwards towards the bed.

"Sasuke what about my wound?" I asked breathlessly. He gently laid me down and stared at me.

"Don't worry my cherry blossom I'm not gonna do anything to you anyways." He stated as he lifted up his shirt revealing his muscles.

I was blinking my eyes rapidly. I couldn't get the image of his body out of my mine. The thoughts of what he could do to me caused me to moan softly.

Sasuke cocked his head to the side, smirks down towards me. I silently cursed to myself for letting out a noise.

"Just by looking at my body you get turned on Sa-ku-ra." He teased breaking up each syllable in my name.
His voice was so husky I almost lost my shit. This asshole is playing with fire and he doesn't even know it.

I smirked back at him, "So what if I am." I leaned up and crawled towards him. His gaze was set on me. I pushed his body down and sat on top of him.
I slowly crawled down to his face and blew on his neck. I began to slowly roll my body into his causing him to grunt.

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