Chapter 18

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I sat down by the river. It was a few 100 meters away from camp. I just keep staring at my reflection on my face. It stared back at me emotionless.

Why did he have to go? Tell me god! He was only 10 years old and you had to take him! Why couldn't you take me instead?!

I soon felt someone sit right beside me. I didn't bother to look or care at all. I put that false hope in my head that everything was going to be alright. I believed that I could find my happiness within Sasuke. I believed I could love him. But it won't ever happen cause once you live a shitty life like mine it just naturally flows. It won't ever leave no matter what.

"What are you doing here Sasuke? I wanted to be left alone." I sighed. I keep looking at the river ahead of me.
There was no response so I turned around and looked up.

I gasped, "Who are you?" My eyes widened once that person stabbed me in the stomach and ran away.

"Pfht!" I began coughing out blood. My breath was staggering. I placed my hand on the knife that was logged in my stomach and pulled it out.

Right away my right hand started glowing, so I began healing myself.
That's when I remembered...SHIT THE OTHERS!

I stopped healing myself and I felt the wound reopen as I ran to the campsite.

Once I got there I saw the guys looking at me confused and then shocked by the wound in my stomach.
Everything started going hazy as I heard muffled voices coming my way. That's when my body hit the ground and I was passed out.


I woke up from the sun shining on me. I tried sitting up but winced from the pain that was coming from my stomach.

"Guh!" I squeaked out in pain, covering my stomach with my hand. I looked around the tent to see someone with black hair.

"You shouldn't be moving around Sakura. It'll reopen the wound again." Sasuke spoke over his shoulder. He turned around and handed me some soup.

"Here eat this." He smiled towards me. I took the soup and smiled back.

"Thank you. Where are the others?" I asked.

Sasuke looked down at me and frowned, "I'm glad your okay. I was really worried about you." He leaned down and gave me a tight hug.

I gasped at the sudden contact. Why? Why does he care?
"Sasuke..." I whispered out. I soon felt a pair of lips on my collarbone.
I bit my lip to hold back the gasp that threatened to come out. It felt like a million little needles dancing on my collarbone. It tingles.

He pulled back and began to whisper in my neck sending my chills down my spine.

"I didn't know what the that feeling was inside of me but that night I kissed you it became all clear to me. I was starting to fall in love with you Sakura and it drove me crazy. I mean to think a low life like me deserved an ounce of your love made me laugh. That was until I saw you collapse last night....that's when it hit me all at once." He finished. I felt warm water hitting my shoulder.

He's crying....but why? Why does he have to love me?

"Why?" I quietly asked. I was in so much shock and confusion. I just didn't understand how he could love someone like me.

"I don't know why. I want to answer your question but I can't because I don't understand how a angel like you could heal a sinners heart like mine." He placed his head on my shoulder letting the tears fall.

I didn't know what to say because I felt the same way.

"Me too Sasuke. I feel the same way. But I don't understand either." I admitted.

He brought back his head revealing his tears and his shocked expression.
She feels the same way?! I don't deserve an angel like her. She's flawless. Beautiful. Strong. Intelligent. And is a smartass at times but she always seems to put people in a happy state. Even when she's depressed. I want to protect her. To protect her she's my happiness.

I soon felt a pair of lips contact to mine. It wasn't harsh but it wasn't soft either. It was his way of showing me his feelings. I still don't understand why I deserve him but at least we both know that we want to protect one another.

I let myself sink into the heated kiss. Forgetting my past. My worries for the future. Last night. My wound. I let him take me to a place I've never been before. I don't care if it'll hurt me in the future but I want him. He's my happiness. He chases the demons away and I'll do the same for him.

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