Chapter 8

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Once the four of them reached the land of fire they still had a day before they actually reached their destination.

"Let's camp out here." Kakashi told the team because the sun was already set.

Everyone else nodded their heads and decided to set up camp.

"Sakura can you go find some fire wood." Kakashi stated, he didn't ask her because he still felt inferior to a female's presence.

Sakura already knew that. I can't believe it after I showed them I can handle myself they still treat me like I'm nothing!

Sakura rolled her eyes, she knew they'd probably talk shit about her and she rather not get into a fight right now cause she's tired.

After that incident those bastards over there haven't talked to me yet besides right now. And I know it's not because of my strength it's because their to prideful to admit I'm strong because I'm a female.

Sakura walked into the woods leaving the others to gather the fire wood.

"Ugh!" Sakura gasped in pain.
Why now of all times?! Why did I have to get period cramps now!

"That's just great, my day is going fantastic!" Sakura grumbled to herself.

She found some wood and decided to make sure that it didn't have anything wrong with it.

Once she was done checking it over and over again she decided it was good enough for her to use. So she picked it up and walked back to camp. She still didn't know what to do because she was on her period and she didn't bring any stuff for the occasion so before she went back she check the woods for leaves of some sort.

"Ah these should do!" She exclaimed picking up a green leaf.

Once she situated herself she then walked back to camp.

It's gonna be hell the next four days for me and for them.


Sakura was about to walk in to the camp site but she heard Naruto and Sasuke's voice and then she stopped. She made sure she masked her chakra when she left so no intruders could spot her out.

"Why did M'Lady put her of all people on our team?!" Naruto slumped over in frustration.

Sasuke looked over at Naruto,"She already told us dobe! She felt like we needed to shape up about our thoughts on women and she thought putting that bitch on our team." Sasuke sighed frustrated from both situations.

"She's right about one thing Sakura does have strength and determination she proved that herself." This time Kakashi spoke up in a upright manner.

"I don't care 'bout that Kakashi-sensi! She walks in here and expects us to treat her as if we were equal!" Naruto shouted while standing up to prove his point.

"Your right Naruto but she isn't someone who would hold you back unlike Hinata, Ino, Temair and TenTen. Now they are the definition of useless!" Sasuke spoke out plainly.

Sakura decided she had enough of this. She revealed her chakra and tried her best to calmly walk in.

"Here's the firewood you asked me to get Hatake." Sakura narrowed her eyes at him and lightly set down the logs of wood.

Kakashi nodded his head in approval.

"Oh and before I go to bed don't you ever dare talk shit about me and my friends behind my back. If I find out any different I will tell Tsunade and she'll remove your rights of being ninja's and band you from the village. Goodnight." Sakura spoke behind her shoulder. She didn't want to look at their faces or it'll tick something off inside of her.

The boys behind her glared at her back as they watched her walk to her tent.

'How fucking dare she threaten us like that!' Is all the boys could think of before they went to bed.


"M'Lady we got a report from Sakura-chan." One of the anbu's bowed down to her and handed her the scroll.

Tsunade looked at the scroll for a minute before she took it,
Dear Tsu, we just arrived in the land of fire. We had a encounter early on but I took care of it because the bastards didn't want help me. It hasn't been going well with them and I just got done threatening them. I found them talking shit about me and a few friends of mine that I made. They're lucky I didn't beat the crap outta them. Also guess what I got my period so I also wanted to ask if you could send some stuff over to me in your next scroll, it would be greatly appreciated sense I was the one who had to get the firewood and use leaves as protection. I can hear you laughing at that *glares* anyways I gotta go sense it's bed time over here and it's probably mid afternoon over there.
- Sincerely Sakura Haruno

Tsunade got done reading the letter and began to laugh to herself. "Oh Saku this is the beginning to your long adventure." Tsunade exclaimed to herself.


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