Chapter 10

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Sakura felt a strong pair of arms pulling her to a hard chest. Her shocked teary eye's looked up to see Sasuke trying to confort her.

"I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I didn't know any of your own personal problems." Sasuke whispered loud enough for Sakura to hear.

He pushed her head down on his chest, "Let all your tears out. No one's here besides you and me." Sasuke spoke out softly.

Sakura didn't understand him one bit. Why did he suddenly start to care? What did she do to deserve this? It's her problem not his so why is he trying to comfort her?

She placed her head on Sasuke's chest and listened to his rapid heart beat inside of his chest. Sasuke stroked her long pink hair.


Soon before she knew it her tears dried up. She spent a good hour crying and banging her fists on his chest, screaming because she didn't understand.

Sasuke sat still letting her taking it all out on him. He didn't understand why he let her either? Or why he showed her this weird feeling he had? But he did.

They both didn't even notice that a two pairs of eyes were watching them as they walked to their rooms smiling at the scene. They both didn't understand either, they didn't understand why this pink haired girl came into their lives to change their ways and they are suddenly changing and they didn't understand why or when it started to happen.


"Come on let's take you to the bathroom so we can clean you up." Sasuke spoke, gently grabbing her and making sure he didn't hurt her.

Sakura nodded and followed Sasuke to the bathroom.

She sat down on the toilet as Sasuke got out stuff to bandage up her wounds. He set down the stuff on the seat and squatted in front of her.

He looked at the dried blood on her arm. Sasuke frowned a bit, "Sakura how long have you been self-harming?" Sasuke asked sternly.

Sakura looked in to his eyes shocked, why did he care to ask? And why did she feel safe when he cared?

Sakura sighed, "4 years now." She looked to the ground afraid to met his gaze.

She felt his hand tighten on her forearm causing her to winced in pain, "Is this the only place you've self-harmed yourself?" He asked harshly.

"I" Sakura admitted to him.

"Where else?" Sasuke asked a bit more softly.

Sakura looked at him in his eyes and could see how her answers affected him and he didn't know why. It's no secret that she didn't know why herself either.

"Um my legs, upper arms and my ribcage." Sakura whispered, scared of what he's gonna say or react.

But what he did surprised both of them, Sasuke pulled Sakura into a hug. "Promise me you won't do it again. If you ever need someone to talk to talk to me or the others." Sasuke whispered in her ear.

Sakura felt the tears trail down her face as it fell on his shirt. She wrapped her frail arms around his body, squeezing his shirt tightly.

"I will I promise, thank you Sasuke." She muttered before she passed out from exhaustion.

Sasuke picked her up and carried her to her bed. He set her down and tucked her in.

He looked down at the girls porcelain face and whipped away her tears. She leaned into his touch which surprised him a bit.

Sasuke bent down and kissed Sakura's forehead before he cleaned up everything.

He was still curious to why she did what she did and he walked over to her desk and saw a date.


He then glanced at the letter and it said dear mom on it, over by the letter was a calendar and he looked at the date, 4-17-2011.


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