Chapter 12

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The walk back to the village was peaceful and once they arrived Naruto almost ran away towards the ramen shop but Sakura grabbed his collar pulling him back so Kakashi could give them a announcement.

"Gah Sakura let me go!" Naruto yelled, struggling to get free.

"No Naruto we have to listen to what Kakashi had to say!" Sakura shouted causing a vein to pop out.

"Anyways besides all that I'm gonna go report to M'Lady. You guys are free to go and I'll contact you for our next mission in 6 days from now." Kakashi spoke plainly before he disappeared causing smoke to form in that area.

"Can you let me go now!" Naruto yelled still struggling.

"Say please." Sakura smirked towards him.

Naruto violently shook his head but before she could say anything she was tackled to the ground. Sasuke sat there and laughed at the sight.

"Sakura your back!" The girls yelled on top of her and Naruto.

"Hehe yea I missed you guys." Sakura spoke sheepishly.

If your wondering what the pile looked like and why Sasuke was laughing at Naruto, well here it is. Naruto was on the bottom squished underneath all the weight of the girls, Sakura was on top of him (trying to keep her chin from digging into Naruto's chest.)

Sakura blushed at the awkward position they were in. Naruto glanced down and a blush covered his face.

She mouthed, 'I'm sorry.' And he gave her a look that said yea-fucking-right. Sakura glared at him jabbing her chin in his stomach while smirking up at him, she mouthed back 'my bad'.

Sasuke was practically rolling on the ground in tears as Naruto was screaming in pain.

"Okay girls can you get up so we don't kill Naruro." Sakura spoke out to her friends.

They all nodded and one by one got off of Sakura. Naruto was passed out on the ground. Sasuke walked over and threw him over his shoulder as he watched Sakura walk away with the girls. He smirked to him self and stifled down a chuckle again before walking away.


"So Sakura-chan how was the mission?" Ino asked while taking a seat on a couch.

I thought back about all the moments on the mission that pissed me off and the moments with Sasuke before I answered, "It was interesting...." she answered.

"Oh?" Temair looked at her questionably.

Sakura turned her gazed towards the window looking outside watching the children play on the streets. Some part of her wished she had a normal childhood.

"'s gonna take awhile before they accept us but I have a feeling they will in the future." Sakura sighed, turning her gaze from the window towards the girls giving them a sad smile.

They all stared at her with sadden expressions.

"Hopefully..." Hinata added.

After a few minutes of silence Ino decided to brake it.
"Enough of this sad talk let's have fun and celebrate Sakura's first mission." Ino smiled at the girls.

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