Chapter 14

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Sakura looked at the awestruck people ahead of her. She sighed, how much more do I have to say?!

"Wait so you're telling me that Sasuke and I are the next of the three legendary sannin?!" Naruto exclaimed out in shock.

"Yes, Naruto because you have reached that level of strength same with Sasuke. I know everything about you guys from the Uchiha massacre to the nine-tailed fox inside of you." Sakura sighed but then smiled.

"But why do I have to know?" Kakashi asked confused.

"That's the thing you won't cause after this mission I'm gonna have to erase your memory of us ever talking about it. We can't risk having other people know about whomever is holding the scrolls. Only the next three legendary sannin will know about it because they're the ones strong enough to watch over the scrolls. So that means you two can't say a word." Sakura glared at the two boy's in front of her.

They both gulped and nodded their heads.

"Fair enough." Kakashi sighed.

"We're gonna be leaving now sense this is gonna take a month's worth time." Sakura calmly spoke as she turned on her heel to walk out the door.

"Oh and Tsu make sure the girls get their training in everyday while we're gone. Also tell them I'll miss them and that I'm on a mission and I'll make sure to contact each of you guys." Sakura smiled towards her friend.

'This is gonna be one hell of a journey.' Sakura thought before the four of them left the gates.


Dear Ino-pig,
It's been a rough couple of day's with team seven. It's hard to talk to them after the whole situation that happened. I'm nervous to even talk to them. I can tell they don't wanna talk to me either. But enough of that you better be training! If I find out any different I will kick ya ass! Same with the girls!

Dear Billboard-brow, I know it's hard for you to talk to them and I hate seeing you hurt but you did take the mission and it wasn't ever gonna be a easy one. We all are training very hard, I almost died because of Tsunade! I can hear you laugh at that. How's things going now?

Dear Ino-pig, Thanks for the advice I already knew that but it's still hard. It's been a week sense we left and we haven't seen any rogue ninja yet. Plus they still haven't talked to me or made eye contact with me. I'm still angry at them but still it wasn't their faults. I did laugh though, Tsu is known for working people hard. I'm doing alright, how are you guys? Make sure to tell Tsu that I still owe her a drink!

I finished writing my letter back to Ino and sent it to her. It's still night out and pretty cold but I don't mind. Sakura looked up at the stars in the night sky and watched them gleam down on her.

"I hope heaven was everything you wished for." I whispered to myself as I watched the stars.

Sasuke heard what Sakura said and continued to look at her. "Who's up in heaven?" He asked, kinda surprised by his voice.

Sakura turned her shocked face towards the sitting Sasuke who was staring back at her surprised as well.
"My mom." She breathed out.

"I'm sorry." His face saddened. He knew all to well what she was feeling.

"Thank you Sasuke." Sakura looked at him and smiled.

Sasuke looked at her surprised and confused. Why is she thanking me?

"Why are you thanking me?" He asked confused.

"I don't know just cause." She admitted, a blush formed on her face from embarrassment.

"I never asked you that day when we were talking about our parents, how old were you when they passed?" He asked.

I looked at the ground remembering everything. I've never really told anyone besides Tsunade and our family.

"Um it happened awhile ago. I was five years old when my mom was..." the air in my body suddenly left me. I felt my breathing starting to stagger. I gripped my hair and started pulling at it. I soon felt the tears fall on my face.

I can't breath...I can't...!
The voices in my head of her
screams echoed.

"Ahhhh! Please stop! Don't kill my baby! Please!" My mother's screams filled the room.

I stared up at my mom's bloody body. Her face was smashed into pieces. I can vividly remember her arms in blood covered chains, her clothes all on the floor leaving her naked, her legs dangled covered from cuts.

I started to cry but then felt a kick to my stomach sending me to the wall.

"Now honey you know I could never hurt our little angel." His cold cruel words wrapped around my neck.

"Stop it! Get off of me! Ahh! No! Stop!" I heard my mothers screams as I was forced to watch him rape her and then he killed her in front of my eyes.

"Mommy...." I whispered, no answer came from her.

"Sakura!" I heard screaming of a voice. I soon felt arms around me.
My eyes widened at the sudden contact.

"Get off me!" I screamed pushing that person off.

My eyes widened when I saw blood gushing out of Naruto's hand.

"Sakura.." he whispered. His face was shocked by my actions.

'Her face it looks like complete utter terror! Like she's going through hell!' Naruto thought. Sakura's breathing was getting worse.

"STOP IT! AHHH! NO PLEASE! STOP!" Sakura gripped her hair again pulling at it. Her voice was coated in terror, her eyes looked so scared like she might die. It was nothing like they've seen before.

"Sakura!" Kakashi screamed as he watched his teammate collapse and then went unconscious.

Shallow {Unedited}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant