Change for A purpose

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Early in the morning. Today you make sure to water the tulips and dust the whole house like your usual routine, not forgetting to polish the silverware as well as other misc. Everything may seem like it's a typical day for you, with your usual chores. But something is definitely missing. It's quiet... too quiet...

Why you may ask, well the answer is simple; you miss his presence... Netherlands' presence to be specific. So now to fill the feeling of loneliness, you are currently sitting in the living room with Netherlands' pet rabbit on your lap, gently petting it while Lisa peeks in on you from time to time.

Oh how you wish your friends would visit you by now but everyone is quite busy at the moment. England is quite busy managing his own country but he did stop by once, but Lithuania and Poland, on the other hand, have lost contact with you. Thankfully there's America to 'save the day' as he would like to call it. He kept your company as much as he could from a distance by becoming your penpal. In due time the both of you have started a custom to write to each other occasionally.

It has been more than a week ago, that Netherlands had to leave because the war on Sumatra isn't looking too well. And of course, to no one's surprise, you pestered him to take you with him. Yet just as expected, he refuses to. He said that it is dangerous especially considering he is going to the hostile part of the country, which is a fair reason for you to back down... eventually.

Although you really wanted to go back home, you are not stupid as to charge into war territory and expect to be able to walk around. Not to mention that you might prove to be a burden to him that might also cost his victory against Japan. And you don't want him to lose against Japan. So you have no other choice but to stay at home, where you have more freedom.

"...Upstairs..." you suddenly heard a cold whisper in your ear. You instantly physically jumped in your seat, while the bunny on your lap jumped as well before you caught it.

"Lisa! Please, don't sneak up on me like that!" You complained to the pale spirit as she straightened her back from bending down to your level. You calmed down yourself and the startled bunny on your lap begore putting it back in its pen. Lisa repeated her words which only left you in confusion. "Upstairs?... what's wrong with upstairs?"

"There is someone upstairs..."

"Lisa, you know well that I prefer not to bother other spirits. You're the guardian of this house, you can get rid of minor spirits on your own"

"I'm not talking about spirits..." she answers back with a worried tone, while her white eyes stare on the floor. "There is a person upstairs... he sneaked in..."

Your blood instantly goes cold at the mention of a stranger in the house, and you quickly look for something to defend yourself with. Without a second thought, you ran to the kitchen and grab a knife. Since you're the only one in the house, it's your responsibility to protect it and yourself. You quickly turned your head behind towards Lisa to asked her about the stranger but she is already gone. Looks like you're on this alone, unfortunately.

You grip the knife tightly in your hands while you make your way upstairs, fearing over anything that may jump on you. When you've reached the second floor, you saw Lisa peeking through a door leading to Mr.Netherland's office. With no words spoken between the two of you, you already know that that is where the stranger is in.

Slowly you crept to the entryway and set your hand on the door. Pushing it as slowly and gently as possible as not to alert the intruder.

But as you slowly widen the gap by the door, you find no one.

Everything was in its place, and no valuable items are missing as if there's no intruder in the room. But one thing that you notice which seems off; the windows are open. You're pretty sure that you always left that certain window closed, fearing that the wind will blow any paper documents in the room. Speaking of documents there's one on the desk right now. And as you would have suspected, the wind is barely blowing the papers off the desk.

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