Buried Secrets

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More than a few weeks have passed ever since the first day you started to take on the role Japan gave you. Mountains of paper works have started to pilled up on your desk ever since, especially regarding the deal you have with Honda.

A deal where he will help you with your independence. A plan has been set to build an organization mainly to focus on the independence of your country, hence why the amount of preparation and work that has kept you occupied in your residence.

The four spirits that have been watching over you since your arrival, have started to grow worried for your health. It is well past just a few days since the last time you bathed in sunlight, and the moonlight kissed your skin.

Right before you finish your current papers on your desk, a new one always arrived to fill in the queue. More than just a few proposals were put on hold by you because you needed to clean your residence at the beginning, which also pushed back all of the other deadlines you needed to catch up.

The sultan was already kind enough to personally bring you some wrapped meals that could last you for a few days before his next visit to bring you the next ration of meals, despite his busy schedules. Because he knows that you won't eat otherwise, you don't have time to cook nor buy yourself some food, nor can he trust anyone with your location to bring you food.

Being friends with him has its perks I guess. Even though you haven't seen each other in a while, both of you act as if you've never been separated.

He knew you well enough to know that sometimes when you have already made a decision or set your mind on something, you disregard your well being in favour to achieve your goal as soon as possible without a hitch. In this case, you want to finish all documents and have all proposals approved to proceed to the next step.

Fortunately, your efforts came to fruition when Honda informed you that the Japanese has given you their approval on creating 'Badan Penyelidik Usaha-Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia' or BPUPKI for short. Directly translated to 'Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence'. Alongside the committee, you also manage to get approval for a PPKI, 'Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia' also known as 'Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence.

To seal the deal and to make sure that the Japanese won't back down on their side of the deal, you asked them to publicize the information that the said committee is underway, and that it will be established in the near future.

If push comes to shove and you were backstabbed on this deal, not only will the Japanese have to face you, they would have to face the whole nation of angry people.

Stretching your hands over your head, you let out a yawn as the orange hue of sunlight beamed at your face from your window by the desk. Signalling that the time of the moon will rise.

"5:30 pm" you mumbled to yourself, estimating the time of the day from the position of the sun.

You've been working non-stop for over 12 hours, having your meal simultaneously as you work. It has put a strain on you physically for having to sit still for hours, but all hard work will come to fruition eventually.

As you phase around the room to stretch your limbs, your eyes were drawn to a single item at your bedside. The item that kept you awake most nights, the key that your mother has passed on to you.

Its gold like finish shines under the sunset, hiding the scratches and slight rust that has accumulated on its surface from constant use back in the past, showcasing its age that gave it a vintage charm to the otherwise simple plain key. The key that you receive with your mother's letter.

Homeland: Fight of our ownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant