Chapter 1

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"These are some creepy woods." Chan's boots pressed down against the wet mud of the forest floor. It has rained recently. A huge storm. Chan's best friend Kim Seungmin said and quote 'this would be a great time to find spirits.' Seungmin was obsessed with the supernatural, but it never interested Chan. He wouldn't believe anything till he saw it with his own two eyes—and that included anything from legend.

"Come on Chan you're just being a scaredy-cat. We'll be fine. It's not like a dokkaebi is going to jump out and kick us or something? It's literally 2 in the afternoon," Seungmin pointed out. He was right about one thing (not the doka-whatchamacallit) but about Chan being a scaredy-cat. He had nothing to worry about. Absolutely. NOTHING!

Okay, so Chan was terrified. Someone probably died in here and their bodies were never found. What if that happened to him and Seungmin?! SHIT! Hyunjin would come in here to find their bodies just to kill them again.

But there was something peaceful nearby... the sound of a river. It seemed calm.

"Hey Seungmin, I'm going to go take some pictures over in that direction." Chan pointed in the direction of the east. Seungmin shrugged and walked off. Wow what a great friend. Chan ignored that and took his camera out of his bag. Chan walked in the direction of the river. His curly brown hair blew in the wind. Another storm was coming. Chan could feel it.

As he got closer to the river, he saw it wasn't as calm as he thought it was. Of course it wouldn't be.

Chan bent down and started clicking on his camera. More photos for the collection. His professor will be happy. Then he saw a blur. A fast, light blur.

Chan turned his head to the right to see—a fox. It was small and looked to be a blonde color mixed in with yellow. It's tail was long and fluffy. The fox was backed into a corner. It looked so scared.

And squaring in on the poor fox was something that looked straight out of a movie. Some sort of goblin creature.

No, Chan must be hallucinating. But he can't just stand there as the poor fox got terrorized by whatever the Hell that thing was! Chan mustered up all his courage and ran towards the direction of the fox and started yelling curses at it.

The goblin thing turned its head and terror filled its eyes. The creature whimpered and skittered up a tree.

"Ha! Coward. Whatever the fuck that was." Chan approached the fox, his hand stretched out. The fox slowly approached him and licked the palm of his hand. Chan giggles softly and pet the fox with his other hand.

"Don't worry mate, you'll be okay now," he said in a soft tone. Chan looked down and saw something around the fox's neck. It was some sort of necklace. That was weird.

"CHAN! BANG CHAN!!!" Seungmin was calling him. Chan looked up for a second then back down. The fox was gone. Must've ran off somewhere.

Seungmin was panting. His black hair was out of order. "Holy shit Chan there you are. C'mon! It's going to start raining soon." Chan looked back up the tree where the goblin thing ran off to.



Seungmin kicked off his shoes once they got back into the apartment.

"Did you get any good pictures for the project?" he asked. Chan nodded as he clicked through the pictures.

"Yah. I think Prof. Pak will be happy," Chan responded. Seungmin smiled.

"That's good. I'm going to check if Hyunjin is still asleep."

"But it's a few hours from dinner," Chan noted. Seungmin shrugged. That was just how Hyunjin is. Their roommate would stay up late studying and then finally go to sleep at 9 in the fucking morning.

Seungmin walked off to Hyunjin's room. Chan sat his camera down on the table. He walked over to the window and he sighed. He couldn't get the fox out of his mind.

Thunder struck outside. Sitting on the balcony—was the fox. Chan blinked his eyes quickly and it was gone. What-what the Hell??

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