Because she was happy to meet him

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"Marigold." Adressed Riddle as she arrived for rounds, she wore a headband and a big smile on her face. "What did you do?"

"Nothing." She replied innocently, as they walked together.

"I don't believe you." He said plainly.

"Can't I just be happy to see you, Riddle?" She asked, looking up at him as he walked a little ahead of her. God dammit he was handsome.

The torches illuminated his features beautifully but then again, Ophelia seriously doubted that there was a light he would look rubbish in. He looked like he had been chizzled out of marble.

"Enjoying the view, Marigold?" He asked noticing her staring.

She rolled her eyes and sped up a bit to be beside him, "I can't help but stare," She said sarcastically, "You are simply too beautiful for this world, Riddle." She laughed a bit and he fought the smile that was growing on his face. She looked back to in front of her. "Do you have your list for Hogsmeade yet?"

"No, the entire world does not revolve around you, Marigold." He said, smirking as the way she wrinkled her nose at his words.

"That's really disappointing. It would have made it so much easier to get Ella Fitzgerald tickets." She said as she paired her words with a long sigh. "Having trouble with it? You are not going to back out are you? Rosie already made plans, and Sandy is watching the Ravenclaw Quidditch practice."

Tom said nothing.

"I suppose I could go to the Quidditch practice with Sandra if you cancel. But I swear if Rogers swoops by the stands one more time to show me what I quote missed out on with his shirt off I will take him out of the sky." Said Ophelia, her eyes narrowing at the mere thought of her ex.

"I never said I would back out, Marigold, don't be presumptuous." He said,

"Good." She said, Ophelia then looked up at him, her eyes turned to him again.

"What is it, Marigold?" He asked in an exasperated tone as though he did not like that she was looking at him when in reality Tom loved it when she looked at him.

"Why did you say yes?" She asked,

"I wanted to." He said simply. She adjusted her hair band around her head as they walked.

They spotted a classroom that had weird sounds coming from it. They approached it and spotted two half naked students. She could not make out the faces, just a mess of brown hair. Both Hufflepuffs by the crests on the discarded robes on the floor.

Tom shot her a look and she sighed and cleared her throat, Primrose and Alastor popped up and looked at she and Tom. Tom wore a disgusted expression, Ophelia smiled and handed them their robes.

"Hey Marigold." Said Alastor as he put his robe on, all pink in the face.

"Hi Clover." She said before turning her gaze to Primrose, who was hugging the cloak around her body. "Rosie, rosie, rosie, a classroom? Classy." Said Ophelia sarcastically as her friend smirked at her.

"I mean, Lili, it's not quite as classy as the back of a boat, but It's alright." Said Primrose as Ophelia wrinkled her nose at her.

"Went back for seconds, eh?" Asked Ophelia, Primrose shrugged and smiled at her friend.

Alastor stood uncomfortably at the door avoiding eye contact with Tom Riddle who next to the dishevveled boy looked almost more intimidating and perfect.

"Hey, Riddle." Muttered Alastor.

"Well it was just so good the first time and a half." Said Primrose as they exited the class. "And I have to say the thrill of potentially getting caught really speeds things up."

"Rosie, you little tramp." Said Ophelia a smile far outshined by Primrose's satisfied smirk on her face.

Primrose grabbed Alastor's hand and called over her shoulder, "At least I didn't sprint to third and stay there!" The couple sped up laughing down the hall.

"You bitch, THIRTY POINTS FROM HUFFLEPUFF!" Called Ophelia, returning to her walk with Tom as though nothing ever happened. "What are your thoughts on castles?"

Tom was staring her down and she did not like it very much. He looked like he had been punched and could not understand why it hurt. His jaw was set. His lips quirked downwards. His eyebrows drawn together.

"Spit it out." Said Ophelia.

"Are you sure it's fabulous to let your friends know everything that goes on in your life?" Asked Tom

"It is, except when your shared secrets spill over. Sorry about the overshare, Riddle." She said, looking down. "But you did not have to listen." She teased. She was not ashamed of the fact that she had had sex before marriage. It was no big deal in the wizarding world. Plus they were in a post flapper world, so muggles had calmed down about it.

"What would you have suggested I do, Marigold? Plug my ears and hum the Hogwarts song?" He asked.

"Well for starters, yes." She said smiling and he felt an inadvertant tug at his lips.

"So, what does it mean to sprint to third and stay there?" Asked Tom teasingly.

"I never took you for being so puritanical, Riddle. Surely you can put the pieces together." Said Ophelia, "I mean you and Bucannon in fifth year never really talked did you?"

He rolled his eyes at her and almost took comfort in the fact that the boy she had sprinted with was gone now and she was over it. Over it enough to speak about him without a tear in her pretty honey coloured eyes.

"Well we did not sprint there, I have trouble seeing how that would be possible." Said Tom, not looking at her.

Ophelia shrugged, "It's not complicated, I just never had time to take my shirt off. Skipped a base." She explained.

He nodded. Tom looked down at her for a moment and made a mental promise to himself that if he were given the privilege, he would take his time at each base.

"The back of a boat, really?" Asked Tom,

"I don't need you judging me, Riddle. Where did you first do it? A broomcloset?" She asked, and he scoffed at her.

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