Happy Birthday, Baby!!!!

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Ophelia woke up on her Birthday to see that none of her dorm mates were in her room. All she saw was a chair at the centre of the room with her favourite yellow sundress on it, appropriate under garments, socks, shoes, and her light jacket.

She pulled on each article of clothing knowing it was meant for her and made her way into the common room. Ophelia spotted a small jar of honey. She then saw a cookie. There was a trail of yellow rose petals leading out of the common room.

She followed it, a smile already warming her face. She walked out of the common room, and realized that the flowers were leading to the great hall. She followed without a care in the world, who would want to hurt her on her Birthday?

Ophelia Opened the door to the great hall to see the regular people in the hall but also a place setting with balloons and three presents awaiting her.

Primrose of course sat across from the setting. There was a Marigold in the vase and Ophelia sat down

"You didn't have to do all this." Said Ophelia smiling at her best friend, Primrose smiled warmly at her.

"I didn't. Well some, but that's the other part of your present, LOLITA!" Called Primrose and Lolita Burlington in all her glory glided into the great hall and sat down next to Ophelia.

"Feliz Complēanos Mi Amore." She said, and Ophelia hugged her tightly.

"Thank you." She said letting her go and turning to the Pancakes on her plate, "Something we've always wanted to ask you, do you spray your letters with your perfume?"

"Ci, of course, how else will you know it's from me." Said Lolita,

"Lolita Burlington, you are one classy broad."

"You all know Ophelia Marigold, Maybe the nicest person you will ever meet." Said Lolita raising a glass at Ophelia's Birthday party,

"And those cookies she makes!" Called Holly Harpy,

The entirety of the Gryffindor Quidditch team was there in addition to those in her year. All of the Hufflepuff seventh years were there too, and the Quidditch team of course. The only two Slytherins  were Jason Finnigan, who was well on his way to being the drunkest in the room, and Dorothy Carrow

All of Ophelia's friends were here. It was a full house. She was literally never mean to people. And she baked really good cookies.

Ophelia sat in What was called the Birthday throne, blushing furiously as Lolita spoke practically to her. She had even gotten her a crown.

"But you've never seen her go shopping. Especially if the salesperson is being a dick." Said Lolita and Ophelia laughed, "Once I even heard her say to a salesperson whoever said money can't solve your problems, must not have had enough money to solve them."

The room burst with laughter,

"She also once kicked a guy who catcalled her in the Crown Jewels, hard. And that's all I have to say, Happy Birthday, Baby!"

The room was alive with chatter and music once more and Ophelia glanced at the presents at the door and the people who all showed up for her. It was nice to feel beloved.

"Oh, honey," said Primrose, noticing Ophelia's watery eyes, "If you are really shocked at how many people love you you really have never had those cookies."

"It's just nice to see, you know?" She asked and Primrose pulled her up from her seat and to the centre of the room where people were dancing. "Thank you for doing all this."

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now