Chapter Two.

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It had been a week since the job interview and his nerves only increased. His boss-Nico, had sent him his schedule and it was pretty cool. He had the weekend and Friday free, and worked only at morning. It gave him time for his guitar classes. He was really grateful.

He couldn't help but wonder how much money he'd be charging. He really hoped it was enough to pay rent. He really needed it.

He was really nervous about going to work. Nico made him... anxious. He had been really nice— it wasn't that he was scared he might not be nice, but he was intimidating. And distracting. He only wished he was less beautiful. Or less nice. Or less anything— he just made Tyler feel or think things that he shouldn't feel about his boss. And he had only saw him once.

He was screwed. But everything would be fine, he just had to get used to it. Right?

He hoped so.

He looked down at his clothes to make sure everything was in the right place. His formal white shirt was a little big on him, but it worked just fine. He was also wearing black pants. He sighed and grabbed his keys and headed to the street. Finn would be picking him up, since he didn't own a car nor did know how to drive one. He sent his friend a quick text, telling him he was ready. He didn't get a response.

After waiting for five minutes, he grew more nervous. Finn was never late. But Finn hadn't texted Tyler in the entire day. Their last conversation had been the night before.

Tyler called him. No response.

Ten minutes later, his car appeared on the driveway. He ran to it and got in, but was suprised when he saw Ava was the one driving it. He frowned.

"Where's Finn?"

"He... uhm, we had a fight."

"Oh." Tyler frowned even more. "So he was going to stood me up?"

Ava grimaced. "It's not like that, Tyler."

"He knows how important this is for me." He bit his lip. "I need this."

"Well, I'm here to take you." She smiled. But Tyler couldn't smile back.

"Am I losing him?"

"That's a strong word. Finn is just... figuring some stuff out."

Tyler sighed.

He knew the answer. He had been in fights with Finn before, but nothing had been like this. Slowly, they were growing apart. He was losing him.

It didn't took long untim they finally arrived. He thanked Ava quickly and got out.

Hesitantly, he entered the building. It took him ten minutes to get to the floor where Nico's office was. When he finally got there, he went to the counter. A girl smiled at him.

"Hi." She said.

"Uhm, hi. I'm Tyler. I'm supposed to be Nico's assistaint."

"I'm Emilia." She kept smiling. "And you should just go in there."

Tyler looked where she was pointing: at Nico's office. He blushed.

"Are you sure?"

Emilia nodded. "Just go."

He approached it slowly and knocked on the door. Everything inside him was moving. He was really nervous.

Nico opened the door. Tyler wanted to curse. He was as handsome as he remembered him. Even more.

"Hi." He said quietly, looking down.

Nico opened more the door. "Come in."

He entered slowly and flinched when Nico closed the door. He was going to start trembling at any moment.

"So, how about I show you what you have to do?"

"Okay." He said quietly.

They sat in the desk, each in one side.

Nico cocked his head.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh?" Tyler looked up and blushed. "Yes."

"Don't be nervous. It's fine. It's an easy job."

But Tyler wasn't nervous for the job, not at all. He was nervous because they were in Nico's office, alone, with the door closed. And he didn't know how to act with men like him.

He sighed.


Nico looked at him for a minute and then proceeded to show Tyler what he had to do. It was easy, he had to order some papers and stuff like that. He could do that.

Everything was fine.

Nico then showed him the desk he had prepared for him, a small one in the corner with a chair. The office was pretty big, so both desks fitted perfectly without even touching each other nor being that close. Tyler liked it.

They didn't talk much that day, Nico would just occasionaly ask him some questions or give him more papers.

Then, Tyler walked home. Now that he was out of job, he had time to think about the fact that his best friend didn't seem to like him anymore. And that now he worked for Nico.

Everything had changed so much.

Hi everybody. Thanks for all the support! I'm so, so sorry for not having updated in such a long time and sorry for this short shitty chapter. But everything that is happening with COVID-19 and having to do quarintine is making me not have inspiration at all and messing a little with my mental health.

I hope all of you are okay, though. Thanks for reading.

Please vote or comment if you are liking this so far or you can also let me know if I'm doing something wrong :).

I hope everyone's okay. If you need anything you can tell me.

Love, R.

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