Chapter Thirteen.

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Nico had never been nervous of taking someone out on a date before, but Tyler brought new feelings on him. He was very nervous about this date. He was nervous he would mess it up or say something wrong. Everything with Tyler felt a little too fragile.

He was driving them to the restaurant he had made a reservation. He wasn't sure if Tyler would like a fancy one like he did, so he had made reservations in the least fancy one of the fancy ones.

He glanced at him before looking at the road again and felt his stomach flutter, like a teen boy. Tyler was looking out of the window, mumbling the words to the Taylor Swift song that was playing in the car, his face a little flushed and his blue eyes shining. He couldn't believe how gorgeous he was, truly. There wasn't a single flaw on him, something that wasn't pretty and cute.

Tyler was what Nico had been looking for.

"We're here." He said once they arrived and Tyler smiled up at him.

Nico got out of the car and rushed to Tyler's side to open the door for him. He looked up at him and smiled, a faint blush covering his cute cheeks.


"You're welcome." Nico said, leaning down and kissing his cheek.

He hated Tyler thanking him for everything. Doing things for him was something natural for Nico. He didn't need a thank you, he just needed Tyler to be as good as possible. But he had realized he couldn't stop Tyler from thanking him for every single little thing, it was just the way he was.

A perfect little angel.

Well, not so much of an angel, Nico thought. It had been two days since they had talked about Tyler's kinks and they had been taking it slow, but Nico was dying to hear Tyler call him Daddy again. He had been suprised but extremly pleased to know that Tyler and him shared some kinks. Or all of them. Everything Tyler had written down, Nico would've written it too.

He leaded them into the restaurant.

"Hello, Sir." A pretty woman smiled at Nico. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, under Scott." He said.

She looked down at a paper sheet and nodded.

"Your table is ready." She smiled. "I think you know the way, Sir."

Nico smirked and thanked the girl before grabbing Tyler's hand and going inside.

"Do you know that girl?" Tyler asked shyly.

"No, but she knows me." He said simply.

"Oh." Tyler looked at him when he realized they were going to the terrace. "Are there tables in the rooftop? That's so pretty."

Nico smirked. "Just one."

Tyler looked at him with wide eyes. "You got us an special table in the rooftop?"

He nodded and opened the rooftop door. Tyler smiled.

"This is awesome. Thank you."

Nico looked at him. "Anything for you, sweetheart."

He blushed and looked away.

They ordered food and talked about different things. Tyler told Nico about how his love for music started and all the classes he took and asked him if he had any hobbies.

"I paint," Nico said. "Well, I used to. I don't have the time to do it now."

Tyler titled his head to the side, looking curious.

"What did you paint?"

"Anything that popped out in my mind."

"Why don't you do it anymore?"

Out Of The Woods (mxm)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن