Chapter Five.

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In the ride to the apartment, Tyler started crying again. This time it was quietly, just tears dropping from his eyes. Nico had noticed, but didn't do anything about it. Tyler didn't know how to feel at that. A part of him wanted Nico to say something, but he had to remember that he was still his boss. He tried not to think about it, though. All that mattered for him in that moment was that Nico was the man that was helping him. Not the man he liked, not the man that gave him a job, but the man that cared enough to help him. He would've never imagined it. But if he went back to the week they had been sharing an office, he could recall a lot of times when Nico had showed him acts of kindness. He was very distant with everyone else, but with Tyler he had always been a little softer.

When they arrived, Tyler leaded Nico towards the elevator. Inside of it, Nico looked at him.

"Everything will be fine, okay?"

Tyler rubbed his eyes and nodded lazily.

Once they were inside Tyler's apartment, he blushed. It was a mess. The kitchen still had his uneaten breakfast in the table, the living room was full of papers in the floor-papers where he wrote music-, and everything was just messy. Nico frowned slightly at the sight of it, and Tyler blushed even more.

"Are you always this messy?"

"Uh..." Tyler looked around. "No?"

Nico looked at him and then at the apartment. "If you're going to my apartment, try not to be so messy."

"I... are you sure about this?" He said quietly.


"Why would you help me?"

"Because you are a nice person."

"Because I'm a nice person?" He repeated.

"Yes." He said. "And I want to help you. Why wouldn't I want to help you?"

"Because it'd be a burden? Or I can... you don't have to. Why would you want to do this if you don't have to?"

Nico looked around the place again. "Let's grab your things. Come on."

Tyler opened his mouth and then closed it. He wanted to know why. He needed to be sure that Nico was okay with him moving in. It was weird.

He would be living with Nico. How it would be?

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Nico said without hesitation.

He must really want to help him.

"Okay." Tyler walked towards his room, Nico following close behind. It was a mess, too. Clothes everywhere, the bed unmade, his guitar in the floor around more papers and books everywhere. "I swear I'll be tidier."

Nico smiled. A super small smile, but it was there.

Eleven: Nico didn't smile a lot. But when he did, it was absolutely gorgeous.

"How many things should I grab?"


"But... but it will take too much space."

"And I told you that I had enough space for the two of us." Nico said. "And that includes your things."

Tyler looked up at him. "Thank you so much."

"It's okay. Don't thank me."


"I'm doing this because I want to. Now, come on, grab your stuff."

Tyler looked at him for a moment and then a little smile appeared in his lips. He stopped himself before saying thank you again, and started grabbing his things. Then he realized he just had one bag and one suitcase, and probably not everything would fit. He turned around to tell Nico that and found him looking at the guitar and at one paper. He came closer and saw that it was a song he had written. He snapped the paper out of his hands. Nico looked at him, amused.

Out Of The Woods (mxm)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن