Chapter Eighteen.

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Tyler and Nico were laying in the couch, Tyler's head resting in Nico's chest. The TV was on, but they weren't paying attention to it. They were both sleepy, relaxing together.

Tyler's back hurt. It had been a while since he last had sex and Nico wasn't exactly small. Nico wasn't small at all. But Tyler didn't care about the pain-he even enjoyed it a little bit- because Nico was there, and he was being tender and caring and Tyler loved the attention of the man he... he loved on him.

Loved. It had been a long time since he had been in love, too. He was a pretty romantic person, he fell in love quickly. It had always been like that. He didn't know why he had freaked out about being in love with Nico; after all, it was obvious it was going to happen.

Maybe it was because it felt different than every other time he'd been in love. He didn't know why but it did felt different.

Ugh, he thought. Love was complicated.

He still didn't know everything about Nico. But he was dying to know it all: the good and the bad and everything.

And he also wanted to start acting more like a couple, because he was pretty sure they were one.

Or maybe not.

Maybe Nico didn't want him the way Tyler wanted him. Maybe they weren't in the same page at all.

No. He wasn't going to let those insecurities ruin this moment for him.

He looked up.


"Yeah, sweetheart?"

Tyler blushed slightly.

"We only been on one date." He said. "Don't you want us to hang out more? Like, just the two of us?"

Nico sighed.

"I..." He looked away. "You're right. I'm sorry. I should've taken you out again or..."

Tyler frowned.

"No, it's fine. I was just asking because I want to go on a date, not because you did something wrong."

Nico smiled a little smile and kissed his forehead.

"I want to go on a date too, sweetheart. I'll take you out next Friday, okay?"

Tyler nodded and smiled.


Nico was not happy with himself. He was never happy with himself, but now he was disappointed, because he thought that at least there was one thing he was doing okay: taking care of Tyler.

But he wasn't being a very good partner, was he? He had taken him out just once. Tyler deserved to be taken out on dates and to be spoiled and to have a boyfriend who showed him that it mattered. Because those things mattered for a relationship: going on dates, spending time together outside of the apartment, and showing that you cared.

He didn't know if he showed Tyler that he cared enough. He had to change that.

Because, oh, he really cared.

He looked down at the sleeping boy in his arms. The soft black hair falling into his forehead, his deep blue eyes closed, his pale skin slightly blushed. His body frame was small and it felt too precious and fragile to hold him. His body was beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful. He grabbed one of his hands and held it close to his face. His fingers were calloused, of course. He was a musician. An artist.

Nico was also an artist, but he wasn't even near to being as good as Tyler was. Even if Tyler played music mostly when Nico wasn't home, Nico knew Tyler's music. And it was magical.

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