Chapter Ten

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Beyoncé's day had be trying at most. The day started off bad when she arrived at the rehearsal hall and was told that two of her principal dancers were in jail having been caught at a rave. Beyoncé had to scramble to find new dancers.

As if that wasn't bad enough the place they were suppose to do the outdoor shots in the manager decided that he didn't want a bunch of kids hanging around outside his place of business.

"I can't believe this! We paid him in advance!" Beyoncé stated loudly.

"He returned the whole amount." Jean replied.

"What am I gonna do? I have everything set up for this. This cannot be happening."

Things went from bad to worse after that. The only thing Beyoncé wanted to do when she left work was to go home and get into a hot bath.

As she was getting ready to leave the receptionist handed her a red rose and a note.

The note read:

I heard you had a bad day so go outside where a car is waiting. Give the driver this card and he will take you somewhere for some much needed relaxation.

Beyoncé took the card out to the waiting limo. The driver opened the door for her and gave her another rose.

The driver pulled up in front of a spa Beyoncé had always wanted to try but never found the time to go. She was always busy and on the go. It was 2p.m. and she felt that she should be at work. Her day had been cut short by all the mishaps that had happen during the day.

When she walked into the spa it was as if they had been waiting just for her. The lady at the door handed her a beautiful hand-painted silk robe.

"If you will follow me I will take you to your room." the lady said heading down the hall.

"To my room? I can't stay here all night. I have a son and two house guest to get back to." Beyoncé explained.

The lady handed Beyoncé an envelope after showing her to one of the rooms.

The note read:

Do not worry about things at home. Just take care of yourself and relax.

Beyoncé sighed and slipped into the robe she had been giving. Another lady appeared bringing her a cup of herbal tea. For the next six hours Beyoncé was pampered and spoiled.

Herbal steam, Swiss shower, salt glow, aromatherapy massage with hand and feet reflexology and a mani-pedi. Then to top it off they shampooed and restyled her hair and redid her make-up. As she was getting dressed someone showed up with a box. The box said put me on. Opening the box she found a beautiful gown and matching shoes.

When she was ready to leave her driver was waiting for her outside opening the door for her he handed her a glass of champagne and a red rose.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"I'm not a liberty to say ma'am."

Beyoncé was surprised when the car pulled up to Champ-Elysee's. Her door was opened and she was helped out by the doorman.

Beyoncé walked into the restaurant still not sure who she was meeting. Could it be Ashley, or Jean, or even Shawn.

Walking up to the hostess.

"I'm Beyoncé Knowles. I'm meeting someone here."

"Oh Miss Knowles, yes your party is waiting for you." the hostess said as she lead her to a table.

Beyoncé covered her mouth as a smile came to her lips. Sitting at the table was Ty, Corey, and Shawn all dressed in suits.

"Mommy, you're pretty. " Ty said as Beyoncé joined them at the table.

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