Chapter Twelve

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Deja went to the room that she and Angel were sharing. After contemplating what she wanted to do until the others got back she decided to flip through some fashion magazines Beyoncé had left for her to read.

'Nothing different from what I've seen in American fashion books." she thought to herself.

Putting the book back on to the table she picked up the phone and dialed her best friend's number.

"Hello." the voice said groggily on the other end.

"Girl, you can't still be sleep at one o'clock in the after noon."

"Deja, Where are you?" Britney asked still half asleep.

"In Paris, duh," Deja replied jokingly.

"And what's the time difference?"

There was silence for awhile and then it dawned on Deja that it was only four o'clock in the morning in the states.

"Oh Brit, I am so sorry. I will call you later." Deja said before hanging the phone up.

She thought about going back and talking to Beyoncé and Shawn but she wasn't ready for that much bonding yet.

She looked over at her luggage, and remembered that she had packed her journal.

'I guess I should write about what has been going on in my life lately.' she said to herself as she walked across the room to dig the book out of her suitcase.

A Couple Hours Later

Deja walked into the living room to see her sister discussing the movie with Beyoncé.

"I can't wait to tell mom that they did another remake of Dreamgirls." Angel said as she plopped down onto the sofa next to Beyoncé.

"I didn't know they were remaking Dreamgirls." Deja said coming into the room.

"Get this, Leona Lewis is Deena."

"Leona Lewis! I love Leona." Deja replied.

As Angel and Corey talked about the movie Ty crawled into his mom's lap and it wasn't long before he fell asleep.

When Beyoncé was in the process of picking him up to carry him to his room Deja surprised her by offering to put him down.

After putting the little boy down for his nap Deja returned to the living room where she found just Beyoncé and Shawn.

"Where did they go this time? You know I'm gonna stop leaving the room cause every time I do they disappear."

"They'll be right back. Angel left her bag in the neighbor's car so they went to get it." Beyoncé laughed.

"Bey and I were just about to disappear ourselves. They made the movie sound good so we were gonna go check it out." Shawn said.

"Do you wanna go with us?" Beyoncé asked.

At first it looked like Deja would turn them down but then she nodded her head that she wanted to go.

Later That Night

Deja had just checked her watch and saw that it was nine p.m. That meant it was about noon in the states Britney had to be up and about by now.

Just as she was about to dial her friend's number her phone rang.


"Okay, now that I'm awake what's up?" Britney asked.

"Oh nothing, I was just lonely and wanted to talk but everything is okay now."

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