Day 27: Masters Saturday

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Nat's POV

The alarm ringing hits hard, my eyes are burning and I'm still sleepy. But Niall made it clear that he's annoyed because I'm sleeping too much. So I'm more than willing to sacrifice a few hours of sleep if it means Niall is happier. I wash my face and brush my teeth then I go to Niall's room. I can hear him talk, so he's definitely awake. I quickly check his social media... He's not live, and doesn't sound like an interview. He would tell me if he has interviews. I carefully knock on the door and enter. He smiles at me and nod with his head telling me to come over. I slide through the sheets and cuddle with him, then look at his phone to see who's he talking with.

'I love when people do that face every time they see me with you!' I laugh seeing Liam's shocked face.

'I'm sorry... Mate! Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?'

'Oh, she's not my girlfriend.' Niall corrects. 'We're just... we're...'

'Working on it!' I continue.

'Oh! Alright. Nice to meet you...'

'Natalie. You can call me Nat.'

'Natalie! I'm Liam!'

'Yeah, I can see that!' She laughs. 'Well, I'll leave you boys to it. I just wanted to say good morning.' I tell Liam then turn to Niall, 'Should I put the coffee on yet?'

'Yeah, I'll be there in a bit!'

'Okay cool!' I kiss his cheek and move to get up.

He pulls my back down, 'Good morning btw!' He chuckles.

'Good morning!'

I pull away again, feeling shy about kissing in front of Liam but obviously, Niall is more comfortable with his long time friend than me, so I give him a quick peck on his lips and rush to the kitchen to prepare the coffee.

'That was a nice surprise!' I say about the phone call when Niall comes in.

'Yeah! It has been a while since we caught up. It was nice. You're up early! What's up?'

'Oh, I wanted to spend more time with you. It seemed like it was frustrating you that I sleep in longer than you. So I woke up earlier.'

'Aww! You didn't have to do that! I want you to sleep as much as you want too.'

'Thanks, but I really don't mind. If I feel tired I could always take a nap while you're busy.'

'Yeah, that's true I guess.'

The morning goes by surprisingly fast, between breakfast, Niall working out, me catching up with friends and family over the phone, waiting for Niall to come back from the shop, helping him put everything away. Until lunchtime comes. I enter the kitchen to see what we can cook and I see Niall watching the TV there. He seems a bit down.

'Hey, what're you watching?' I ask him.

'Oh, this weekend was supposed to be the Masters weekend and I was supposed to be there. But yeah... They're airing reruns of it. So I'm watching that.'

I look at the screen and see people playing golf. So I'm assuming the Masters are some kind of tournament. He seems really upset that he's not there. I feel bad. I wish I could cheer him up. Okay, I know what I can do! I'll cook him his favourite for lunch.

'Come on Niall! Time for lunch.'

I stand behind him and wrap my arms around his neck. But he doesn't react. 

'Niall?' I call again and kiss his cheek.


'Lunch is ready!'

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