The road to love

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Bradley walked in on Bianca and Zayn making out. "Boo!" Bradley yelled, even though he was expecting what he just saw. "Where's my milkshake?" Bianca managed to ask, as she couldn't stop laughing. "I couldn't get it" Zayn and Bianca glanced at each other because they knew something wasn't right with Bradley. "What's wrong Brad?" Brad is what Bianca prefers calling him. "Nothing" He replied immediately. "Nah you're definitely lying" She tried maintaining eye contact with him, but Bradley didn't want that. "I'm fine, it's just this girl I saw on my way to get your milkshake" "What about her?" Bianca asked, cracking her knuckle. "She's so pretty and..." Bradley took a pause. "And you like her?" Zayn jumped in. "I think I do" Bradley replied. "Then go talk to her Brad" Bianca said, picking Bradley's jacket from the bed. "Are you nuts? She doesn't even know me" Bradley knew Bianca would have a perfect reply for what he just said. "It takes a day to know someone. You know that right?" Bianca asked, handing his jacket to him. "Yeah go for it man" Zayn spurred him on with a smile. "Are you guys sure about this? " Bradley's voice was already trembling. "Yeah we are. OK fine, I'll walk you to her room" Zayn said. "No Zayn it's fine" Bradley said, rubbing his palm all over his face. "I think Zayn should walk you there so you don't stumble before getting there. You're way too nervous to go alone"

Zayn walked Bradley to Bianca's room, but the door was locked this time. "Go ahead, knock on the door" Bradley inhaled deeply and stared at Zayn. "Come on man do it" Bradley slowly raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Brianna POV

Bri eyes were fixed on a book when she began hearing indistinct noises. "What is that noise?" Bri asked rhetorically. She didn't want to stress herself thinking of who could be making lots of noise, so she decided to go back to what she was doing before she got disrupted by the noise. She was about fixing her eyes back on the book when she heard a knock. Bri wondered who it could be because she never gets any visitor, and it wasn't time for Miriam to come over for her next medicine. "It must definitely be Miriam. Maybe she forgot something or she.. Oh well come in!" Bri fixed her eyes back on the book without seeing who walked in. "Did you forget something Miriam?" Bri couldn't understand why Miriam didn't reply. "I knew you'd definitely be the one knocking. I mean I don't get any visitor, so yeah it must definitely be my darling Miriam on the door" Bri let out a fake smile. "You really don't get any visitor?" Bradley couldn't believe what he just heard. "Yeah you already know tha...wait a minute" Bri raised her eyelids. "You're not Miriam" The atmosphere became tense. "Umm I'm Bradley" He couldn't feel his body. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?" Bradley didn't know which to answer first. "I saw you earlier and..." He didn't know what to say next. "Were you lurking or spying on me?" Bri asked with a fierce look. "No I wasn't" Bradley replied immediately. "So what are you doing here?" Bri went back to her bed. "You told me you never get any visitor" "I thought you were Miriam" Bri said with a frown. "Can I be your first visitor?" Bradley's smile brightened the room. Bri hesitated before replying, "Um yes you can. Have a seat" Just as Bradley sat, they heard a knock on the door. "That must be Miriam. She follows my regimen strictly" Bri said. "I hope she wouldn't mind that I'm in here?" Bradley's question made Bri chuckle. She found his question amusing and cute. "She wouldn't. Come in Miriam!" Bri crossed her right leg over her left one, faking a scowl because she knew Miriam would force her to take the medicine she despises the most. Miriam walked in, but took a pause the moment she saw Bradley. "Bradley?" Miriam couldn't believe who she was seeing in Bri's room. "He came to pay me a visit. Wait a minute, do you know him?" Bri glanced at them continuously. "Yes" Miriam gave Bradley and awkward look. "Umm..." A nervous giggle escaped his lips. "Yes I know him, he's Bianca's best friend. Now come on Bri take your medicine" Miriam averted her eyes from Bri and fixed them on Bradley. "Come on Miriam, not the stare" Bradley couldn't believe he was still getting Miriam's famous 'What do you really want stare' despite not being in Bianca's room. "I didn't say a thing Mr" Miriam couldn't stop herself from laughing. "You also get that look?" Bri gasped. "Yes I do" Bradley said, letting out a charming smile. "Crazy kids" Miriam said teasingly. "Would it be OK for Bri to drop by Bianca's room sometime?" He wasn't sure if Miriam would agree to this. "Don't ask me, ask her" Miriam didn't want to get involved. "Would you love to drop by Bianca's room sometime?" He asked with a grin. "I don't know who Bianca is and I'm sure she doesn't know who I'm either, so it'd be super weird to just show up in her room" Bri let out a sigh and stared at Bradley. "Bianca is my best friend. Trust me, she wouldn't mind having you over. In fact she'd love it since she never get any female visitor, it's room 302, please agree to drop by sometime" Bradley stared at her, desperately wishing she'd say yes. "I don't know" Bri sounded unsure. "Come on girl trust me I'll will be fun" Miriam went closer and whispered in her ears. "Alright, I'll drop by sometime" Bri let out a smile. "Yes!" Bradley exclaimed with lots of enthusiasm. "Alright now Bri take your medicine" Miriam ordered.

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