A reunion? lol

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Day after day their relationship grew stronger. They went to the park, pastry shops and ice cream parlor on a regular. They'd take silly couple pictures, cuddle and do other things couples do.

(Do not judge me people! I'm very much single, so how would I know the things couples do LOL)

         ''What would your new year resolution be?'' Bradley asked Bri who laid on his chest. ''To remain happy'' Bri chuckled. ''You know, I've really grown fond of this park. I'd miss it a lot if I...'' Bradley used his hand to suppress the word that would come next. ''I won't let you go anywhere. Sorry Missy, but you're stuck with me'' He fondled her hands as she smiled at him. ''Babe look, it's a shooting star'' Bri pointed at the sky with a smile fixed on her face. ''Come on, make a wish!'' She shut her eyes firmly. But Bradley did the opposite. He gazed at her until she was done making hers. ''What did you wish for?'' Bri asked ecstatically. ''You'' Bradley replied, still maintaining his gaze. ''Me?'' Bri smiled. ''Yes'' Bradley nodded. ''How about you, what did you wish for?'' ''Nope, I'm not supposed to tell.'' Bri depict shutting her mouth. ''Come on Brianna. It's not fair'' Bradley whined. ''Life isn't fair hunny'' Bri laughed. ''Come here naughty girl'' Bradley tickled her. ''Stop!'' She laughed.

      Days went by real quick, and before a wink of an eye, it was new year.

            NEW YEAR

       ''Happy new year sweetheart'' A familiar voice whispered into Bri ear. Bri slowly opened her eyes, and got the shock of her life. ''You?'' Bri gasped. ''Hunny I...'' ''Get out of here!'' Bri rudely interrupted. ''Princess?'' Stenberg called out. ''Just leave, please!'' Bri yelled as she tried concealing her tears. ''Sweetheart I know we've been bad parents, but hunny we miss you so much. For all the times we've hurt you, we're sorry'' Elena cried. ''Sorry? Will sorry fix all the times you weren't there for me? Will it fix all the times you didn't care about me because you two were so busy being narcissists? Would it fix all the times I needed someone to read me bed stories or sing me lullabies at night? You two have never been there for me, right from the outset. But I overlooked all of that and forgave you. But what did you do after that? You screwed everything up just as you've always done. You showed up here in the past only to fight, argue and show who's boss. You never for once cared about my feelings or what I go through. I grew melancholy every minute because of your constant arguing, but none of that made a difference to selfish self absorbed humans like you two'' She wiped of the tears that streamed down her cheeks. ''Wow, you've really got some nerve showing up in my room'' She stared at them fiercely. ''I know that no amount of apology could fix all the years'' ''I was estranged'' Bri rudely interrupted again. ''Sweetheart?'' Elena reached for Bri's hand. ''Do not touch me!'' Bri pulled her hands back. ''You think you can just show up here, ask for forgiveness ,and I'll be all, aw I forgive you two. Well you two have got to rethink, because you've really got something else coming your way'' Bri folded her arms across her chest. ''We didn't get divorced'' Elena snuffled. ''What?'' Bri turned to her mother. ''After you asked us not to visit you anymore, we decided to retrace our steps and see where things went wrong. It turned out that your mom was so scared of losing you. A week after doctor Sarah told us about your condition, your mom began hurting herself. She wanted to feel the same pain you felt. At a point she couldn't bare seeing you in so much pain, so she decided to file for a divorce. She wanted to stay, but you were dying in front of her and she couldn't do anything. We couldn't do anything to take the pain away'' Stenberg cried. Bri couldn't believe what she just heard. All these years, she has hated her parents especially her mom because she thought they wanted nothing to do with her sick self. But she was wrong. Just as she couldn't let Bradley watch her die, so could her mom not watch her die too. ''I'm so sorry sweetheart. I..'' Brianna enveloped Elena in a hug before she could complete her sentence. ''I'm so sorry mom. I didn't know'' Brianna cried. ''It wasn't your fault hunny. I could have been strong'' Elena said in tears. ''I should have been too'' Stenberg was also in tears. ''Dad?'' Brianna turned to his direction and embraced him passionately. ''I'm so sorry dad. Thank you so much for coming over today'' ''You shouldn't be thanking us hunny. You should be thanking him'' Elana pointed at the door. Bradley stood there with a smile fixed on his face. ''Bradley?'' Bri called in surprise. ''I didn't do nothing. It was all them'' Bradley raised his hands and shrugged. ''Thank you so much Bradley'' Tears formed in her eyes. ''Hey'' Bradley walked to her. ''It's a joyous moment, you shouldn't be crying'' Bradley wiped off the tears. ''It's tears of joy'' Brianna laughed. ''Y'all skip the crying part, or is it over for real?'' Miriam joked as she walked in. ''Miriam?'' Elena called with excitement. ''Oh my my. Look who's looking all sexy yeah'' Everyone laughed. ''You still haven't changed a bit. Come here'' Elena hugged Miriam. ''You waiting for a special invite Sten? Come here'' Elena gestured stenberg to join the hug. ''How did they get this acquainted in'' Bradley glanced at his watch. ''Less than 5 minutes?'' He looked curious. ''Turns out they were high school best friends'' Bri laughed. ''For real, thank you'' ''Hush now sweetheart. It was the least I could do when I overheard your conversation with Miriam on Christmas Eve'' Bradley said. ''Omg you heard that?'' Bri asked, looking all surprised. ''Yes hunny he did. Later that day, he came to me for help in locating your parents, so you three would make up. Surprise!'' Miriam spread her arms. ''He's really an amazing person'' Elena said. ''Thank you son'' Stenberg shook hands with Bradley. ''Ma'am, sir, it's really nothing. Brianna's happiness comes first'' He stared at her with a smile. ''I'm so happy that we're all happy together at last'' Miriam smiled. ''Alright, enough of the tears everyone. Let's have some fun. It's new year. Plus we've got lots of catching up to do hunny pie'' Elena smiled at Brianna. ''Aye mama'' Bri returned the smile. ''Thank you so much Bradley'' Bri whispered into his ears.

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