Meet the gang

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The next morning...

"You're up early" Was the first thing Miriam said the moment she walked into Bri's room. "Yup" Bri sounded really excited. "Someone looks really excited today. OMG is it because of him?" Miriam looked at Bri in bewilderment. "Stop teasing me Miriam. I'm not this excited because of Bradley. I mean why should I be? It's not like I'm tripping for his glistening eyes or his cute smile that lit up the room. It'd be totally ridiculous" Bri rolled her eyes at Miriam and walked to her bed. "Woah calm down Missy. I didn't even mention Bradley's name" Miriam crossed her arms, waiting for Bri's defensive response. "Bradley is the only guy I know, so I know he'd be the one you're referring to" Bri tried avoiding eye contact with Miriam. Even without looking up, Bri could tell that Miriam was making her way towards her. "Is that a..." Miriam tried squinting her eyes to see better. "No it's not" Bri replied almost immediately. "Shut your mouth Bri. You know you can't lie to me right?" Miriam wasn't expecting an answer, so she went closer and sat beside Bri. "I'm scared" Bri was almost in tears. "I know sweetheart but you've got to give it a try. I know it's not easy, but you've got to live" Miriam didn't want to get emotional, but she couldn't help it. "Live? Don't get me started on that Miriam. Most times I breathe borrowed air and you..." Bri placed her palm on her mouth and shut her eyes firmly, she didn't want to cry. "No sweetheart no. I will not let you sit here feeling sorry for yourself like you always do. Come one get up, I'll help you get dressed because you're going to room 302 today" Miriam tried holding back the tears. "I didn't know you were this desperate to get rid of me" Bri sniffed. "Hell yeah I'm. I love you sweetheart" Miriam gave Bri a hug. "I love you too"
After debating if she should tie her hair or not, she finally decided to tie it. "Here goes nothing" Bri said to herself, as she took a deep breath and walked to Bianca's room. "This is it" Bri reached for the door.


Bradley walked to the door and opened it. He was way too caught up with whatever he was doing before he came to open the door, so he didn't look at who was standing in front of him. "Hey" Bri's voice was shaky. Bradley immediately turned to her direction. "OMG you're here" He couldn't believe it. "Yup" Anyone would notice how nervous she is. "Come in" Bradley tried hiding his excitement but he couldn't. Bri walked into the room and saw a guy seated beside a girl. "This will be more difficult than I thought" Bri said underneath her breathe. "Hey girl" Bianca had a smile on. "Hey" Bri returned the smile. "Guys this is Bri, Bri this is Bianca and he's Zayn Bianca's boy friend" He pointed at each of them. "It's nice to finally meet you guys. Bradley talked a lot about you guys yesterday, especially you Bianca" She stared at Bianca with a smile. "Hope he had nice things to say about me?" Bianca's question made the guys laugh. Bri didn't find her question amusing, so she couldn't understand why the guys are laughing. Maybe that's how they joke, Bri concluded. "Definitely" Bri replied. She wasn't sure if laughing with the guys would be the best thing to do, so she maintained her smile. "Don't tell me you plan on standing all day Bri" Bianca's eyes were fixed on Bri, and it made Bri so uncomfortable. "Come in baby girl relax. Alright, come sit beside mama" Bri was beginning to realize that Bianca has a good sense of humor and that she's not much of a snob as she has thought earlier. "You look beautiful" Bradley managed to say. "Thank you" Bri cheeks were turning red. "How long have you been here Bri?" Bianca's question just ruined Bri and Bradley's moment. "Dude! Did you really have to ruin their moment?" Zayn asked with a frown. "Sorry sorry guys I didn't mean to" Bianca shot the guys an apologetic glance. "It's fine. I've been here for eight months" Bri said. "You haven't left this four deadly walls for eight months?" Bianca must have heard wrong. "Yes" Bri replied. "That's a really long time girl" Bianca found it surprising. "So what's your story?" Bradley asked.

I know this chapter isn't as good, but I hope you guys will still enjoy it. I promise to make the next chapter better
P. S you can leave your comments✌❤ I think I'm getting better at writing guys😁

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