It's getting pretty bad!

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'No! This isn't happening!' Bri cried.

Bradley could hear her crying, but he couldn't do anything to calm her down because he was emotionally drained.

'How did all of these happen' Bradley wondered.

Just few weeks ago, everything was going great. Him and Bri becoming a couple and Bianca's birthday. Everyone was ecstatic, until... Bianca's demise, and now Zayn?! No!

Was his world slowly coming to an end?

He has been best friends with Bianca since forever. Both families have been acquainted even before they were born, so it's no surprise how they turned out to be best friends.

And Zayn? Bianca's first true love. Zayn and Bianca met Five years ago on prom night. Zayn had come with his cousin Reece, because she didn't have a date. Bianca had asked Bradley that night to go ask Reece for a dance, because she wanted some alone time with Zayn. Bradley tried laughing it off, but Bianca compelled him to, so he gave in. At first, he thought Bianca was just messing around because she can be a badass, but he was wrong. It was far from that. Bianca was really interested in Zayn. Being Bianca's best friend, Bradley knew he had to get acquainted with this Zayn guy, so kicking his ass when he tries messing with Bianca wouldn't be a problem. A year later, he realized that Zayn was really in love with her. He would ditch school and do lots of crazy things just to spend lots of time with Bianca. He was a badass. she was a badass. Bradley was a badass. They were badasses who became best of friends.

And there is Brianna, the love of his life whom he has got to be strong for. But how can he be strong for her when she keeps pushing him away, which causes him to breakdown even more.


Bri and some other doctors ran out of different rooms the moment they heard Bradley scream.
Everyone stared at him, but he couldn't care less. His world was crashing before his eyes, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He needed some alone time, so he zoomed off.

'Bradley?!' Bri called, but he wouldn't stop because he didn't want her to see him like that.

Devastated, Bradley drove to the park, his comfort zone. He sat on the bonnet of his car, reminiscing about the past, when he had promised Bianca never to let anything happen to her.

'I failed her' He cried.

He felt a light touch on his shoulder as he cried, and a familiar voice said, 'You didn't'

He turned around to see who it was. It was a surprise to see Bri standing behind him, trying to stifle her tears.

'You shouldn't be here' He said inbetween his tears. 'Why' She asked. 'You shouldn't see me like this' He turned his face to the other side. 'Zayn was also my friend' She slowly removed her hand from his shoulder. 'Are you seriously going to make this about you Bri?' He turned to her. 'Ever since Bianca's demise, you've been acting up. You've been acting like you're the only one pained by her death. And now you also want to act that way with Zayn's demise? Bianca and Zayn were my friends, they were my fucking best friends!' He yelled. 'Maybe I've been acting up because I no longer want you around. Maybe I've been acting up because I want to end everything we have. Maybe I've been acting up because you're too good for me, and I want you to love someone el...' 'Enough!' Bradley yelled. Ever since Bianca's death, I've tried being strong for us, but again and again you push me away. Bianca was my best friend, but I couldn't morn her properly because I was trying to be there for you. On the day of her demise, I couldn't even be there to comfort Zayn who meant the world to her, because I was trying to be there for you' His voice was higher. 'I didn't ask for any of that Bradley. I didn't!' She yelled in annoyance. 'You're right, you didn't. I'm the fool in all of these, ain't I? You pushed me away severally, but I kept coming back over and over again because I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot whose only crime is falling in love with you' He took a moment to stare at Bri. 'You want everything to end between us right? Alright' He held her hand and took her to the particular car where he professed his love to her. 'This was where I professed my love to you weeks ago. But right now, in this same place, I Bradley Sprouse end my relationship with you Brianna Stenberg. You're free Brianna. You're free from this relationship!' His voice echoed.

This sounded like a blast to Bri. Her face turned pale, her hands were shaking and her heart raced faster. Uttering a word now almost seemed impossible for her. This was what she wanted, but she couldn't bring herself to accept what he just said.

After saying all of that, Bradley drove off without looking back.

Immediately Bradley left, Bri fell to the ground and cried. Yes, this was what she wanted, but was she stupid to have wanted this.

That was an awful day for both Bri and Bradley.

When Bri got back to the hospital, she was so heartbroken because there was no Bradley to smile at her. She was so devastated, so she went into her room, shut the door behind her and cried herself to sleep.

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