Two down! :(

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   'I'll only let you in Miriam' Bri said, feeling choked up. 'But Bradley has been worried sick about you and he...' Miriam paused after she saw how adamant Bri looked. 'It's fine Miriam. I'll wait here' He turned to Bri and spoke calmly. 'I'll be out here waiting for you'

Miriam eyes were already wet. She understood why Bri was upset, but what she couldn't understand was why Bri chose to let it out on Bradley.

'Come with me sweetheart' Miriam pulled her lightly into the room and shut the door. 'What are you doing sweetheart' Was the first thing Miriam asked her. 'The best thing' She replied immediately. 'What do you mean the best thing?' Miriam asked in a confused state. 'Bradley shouldn't be with me, he deserves someone better' She blinked her eyes continuously to prevent the tears from streaming down. 'What are you saying sweetheart? You're the best person for Bradley, and everyone knows that' She said. 'The truth Miriam! The truth!  Tell me Miriam, what can I offer him?' She waited seconds for Miriam's answer, but got none so she continued. 'Nothing! I've got nothing to offer him' She cried. 'No sweetheart. You've got a lot to offer him...' Her effort to try calm Bri down was failing. 'Thinking about it, I've actually realized that I've got lots to offer. I've got pain, heartbreak, fear and..' 'No sweetheart..' Miriam was almost in tears. 'Bradley stays awake all night, checking on me to make sure that I'm still breathing. I see the fear in his eyes whenever I go for chemo. Because he doesn't know if I'll make it out alive. I see tears in his eyes whenever I'm struggling to breathe. I see the way he stares at my pale hands, with so much pity. I always see fear in his eyes Miriam. I always see fear!' She yelled while crying. 'You've got it all wrong Bri' Bradley said while leaning on the door.

He heard all she said.

  'You've got it all wrong Bri' He repeated his statement, as he opened the door. 'Didn't I ask you not to come in?' She flared up as she moved closer to him. 'Get out of here!' She yelled. 'Get out of...' She received a passionate hug from Bradley before she could complete what she was about saying. 'I love you so much Bri' Tears streamed down his eyes.

Miriam knew she had to excuse them, so she quietly walked out of the room.

'No Bradley no. You shouldn't continue loving me' She cried in his arms. 'But I do, and I can't stop'

In as much as Bri wanted to remain in his arms, she couldn't let herself do it.

'You should leave now' She gently free herself from his arms. 'Bri...' 'Just go' She interrupted him. 'I'll be outside' He walked out of the room.

Things weren't the same anymore. Bri wouldn't speak to Bradley, or let him come close to her. She also ignores his text messages and his calls. Bradley on the other hand was so devastated. He would call her, but she never answers. He would text her, but she never replies. He would slip notes into her room underneath her door, but he still got nothing.
Miriam felt so much pity for Bradley. But there was nothing she could do because Bri already asked her not to interfere.

Two days later, Bradley slipped another note Into her room.
   It reads...

I hope you don't ignore this note like you do others.
So I've been thinking, and I think we should go pay Zayn a visit. What do you say?

Bri got the note. Tears welled in her eyes as the note immediately reminded her of Bianca's demise.

    'I think we should' She replied the moment she opened the door.

Bradley tried speaking to her on their way, but she totally cut him off, so the rest of their drive was in silence until they got to Zayn's house.

     Zayn was in his sitting room, crying over a bottle of Hennessy when his door bell rang.

    'Go away!' He yelled without wanting to know who it was. ' Bro It's Bradley'

There wasn't any reply for almost a minute, until they heard the sound of the door knob, and the door flung open. Zayn didn't utter a word to any of them. He just staggered back to his sitting room.

   'Bro?' Bradley ran after him. 'What's going on Bro?' Bradley first stared at him before staring at the floor that was filled with empty alcohol bottles and cigarette sticks. 'Nothiiing man' Zayn replied in his drunken state as he fell back to the chair. 'What are you doing to yourself Bro? Bianca wouldn't like to see you this way' Bradley said almost in tears. 'What am I supposed to do then!' Zayn cried. 'You've got to live bro' Bradley encouraged. 'Live?' A sarcastic giggle escaped his lips. 'Trust me bro I know how you feel but yo...' He couldn't complete his sentence before he was interrupted. 'What the fuck are you saying man? You know how I feel!?' He was infuriated. 'Bro you've got to calm down. Bianca was my best friend you know' Tears welled up in his eyes. 'Don't tell me that man. Bianca was your friend, not your lover' He stood up. 'And you don't know how I feel now because you still got her' He pointed to Bri. 'You'll only know how I feel when she's dead!' Zayn said in an annoyed tone. 'Zayn!' Bradley yelled and punched Zayn real hard on the face. 'The truth hurts don't it? She's going to die soon, just like Bianca and you won't be able to save her' Zayn said nonchalantly. 'You better not say anything ill about her again or else...' His eyes were filled with lots of rage. 'You know that I'm right man. I see how scared you get each time you stare at her pale body. You know she's going to die soon' He said without minding the repercussion. 'Stop it!!!' He pushed him to the wall and held his neck. 'He's right. I'll die' Bri cried as she ran out of the house. 'Bri?' Bradley ran after her.

He ran after her, but couldn't catch up with her because she already boarded a cab and went back to the hospital. When Bradley got back to the hospital, Bri still didn't let him in, but he wasn't too worried because Miriam went to check up on her.

The next morning, Bradley and Bri both got a text from Zayn. It reads...

      This is Zayn's mother. Zayn left a note on his bed, saying that he wants you and Brianna to be the first to know about his death. Zayn passed away this morning. He said he couldn't continue living without Bianca, so he overdosed himself. He also wants to apologize to you Bradley for what he said yesterday. He really loved you guys.
His funeral is in two days. His last wish is for the both of you to attend together.

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