Hello past

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"I was fourteen when they found it. The doctors discovered a tumor in one of my lung, so I had to undergo a Lobectomy surgery to remove the lobe of the lung. The lobectomy didn't really go well, so I had a fluid leaking in my chest, which means I had to undergo a Thoracotomy surgery. It worked this time, and I was fine for two years, but on my seventeenth birthday I felt a sharp pain in my lung area, and I couldn't breathe. My parents took me to the hospital, but this time the cancer has broken from where they first formed, travelled through the lymph system and formed new tumors. Ever since then, chemo and radiation has been helping to prolong my life" Everyone was quite. "What happened after then?" Bianca broke the silence. This question took Bri to the past

Four years ago

Bri woke up to the unpleasant sound of her parents yelling at each other as always. She stuffed her face in her pillow wishing the sound would go away but it didn't. When the shouting became really intense, Bri ran downstairs.

"Can you two stop arguing!?" Bri was already fed up. "Go upstairs sweetheart. Daddy and I are trying to resolve some issues" Her mom said. Bri could see the bruises on her mom's face. "Did dad hit you again!?" Bri was almost in tears. "Go upstairs sweetheart" Her dad commanded. "No!" Bri replied almost immediately and ran to her mom. "What are you trying to do Elena? You know I didn't hit you! Stop trying to turn Brianna against me!" Stenberg yelled. "We are not doing this in front of her Stenberg" Elena cried. "Wow Elena you're making it look like I'm the bad guy here" Stenberg stared at her with lots of disgust. "You are the bad guy here dad!" Bri yelled. "I'm not the bad guy here hunny. Why don't you tell her what you want Elena" Stenberg stared at his wife. "Don't do this Stenberg" Elena sobbed quietly. "What is he talking about mom?" She couldn't figure out what was going on. "Sweetheart I.. Bri I.." Elena stuttered. "What she talking about mom!?" Bri's tone was higher this time. "Are you going to tell her, or should I?" Stenberg asked, even though he knew Elena would object. "Don't do this Stenberg" Elena pleaded. "Your mom wants a divorce!" This sounded like a blast to Bri. Wha...what?" She couldn't feel her body. "Sweetheart" Elena called. "Is he saying the truth?" Looking at Bri's impatient face, Elena knew she had to give an honest answer, but what could she say, what can justify her decision?. "Sweetheart I tried my best, but this marriage isn't working and..." Elena took a pause and stared at Bri who was slowly stepping backward. "Sweetheart" Elena tried reaching out to Bri. "Don't you touch me. How could you mom? How could you do this to me?" Bri asked in tears and ran upstairs. "Brianna?" Elena tried chasing after her, but stenberg stopped her. "Stay away from Brianna and I"

              Present day

"Are you alright?" Bradley tapped Bri. "Yeah I'm good" Bri replied. His question brought her back to reality. "So what happened after then?" Bianca repeated her question. "My parents wanted to get divorced when I was fourteen, but they couldn't go ahead with it since I fell sick. But after I recovered, they began reconsidering their divorce. My dad didn't want to go on with it immediately because he knew I'd get affected, but my mom was the complete opposite. She was more than ready to go into with it the moment I recovered. Dad managed to slow the divorce until my seventeenth birthday when I fell sick again. After a year, I couldn't take mom and dad's fighting anymore so I moved here. Few months after, mom came over to give me the news of their successful divorce. Pathetic" Bri let out a weak smile. "Is that why they don't visit you?" Bianca asked, looking inquisitive. "No I asked them never to come back here" Bri replied. "Why?" Zayn was also curious. "They never cared about me. They're narcissists, believe me" Bri's eyes were becoming wet. "Enough with the questions guys" Bradley turned to Bri "Are you alright?" He asked, fondling her right hand. "Yeah I'm good" Bri lied. "No you're not" Bradley caressed her cheek to prevent a tear.

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