You mean a lot

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Bradley gazed up at her, as an aura of romance filled the room.
"Everything" His eyes sparkled. He wanted to tell her how much he cares about her and how he wishes to snuggle her, but he didn't want to sound too forward, sensual or desperate. "What do you mean?" Bri's heart raced faster than it ever has. "I.." Bradley took a pause. "Go ahead" She let her eyes linger on him as she wasn't sure of what he'd say next. "I'll tell you some other time, you've got to rest now" Bradley stood up and adjusted her white quilt. "Come on, I want to hear what you've got to say" Bri groaned, as she managed to sit up. "Easy Bri" Bradley tried reaching for her hand. "Relax I'm good. Now come on, tell me" Bri looked so relaxed, ready to hear what Bradley have got to say. "Let it be Bri I'll tell you some other time, I promise" He went closer and let out his pinky finger. Bri let out a smile before intertwining her pinky finger with his. "Now come on Bri go to bed" Bradley said. "Will you be here when I wake up?" Bri asked with a low tone. "Yes" Bradley nodded.  "Now go to sleep" Bri shut her eyes, but opened them seconds after. "I can't fall asleep" She blinked her eyes and  looked through the gaps of her curtains. "The stars are really beautiful, ain't it?" Bradley asked, fixing his eyes at the stars. "Yeah" Bri replied with a smile. "I once asked my dad if anyone could enjoy staring at someone as much as they enjoy staring at the stars, and he said to me 'You'll find the answer to your question someday" Bradley said with his eyes still fixed up. "Have you found the answer?" Bri stared at him, waiting for his reply, but Bradley didn't say anything. He just smiled at her and patted her hair gently, and before a minute she fell asleep. She fell asleep even before he could say goodnight to her.

The next morning

"Good morning" A gentle voice whispered in Bri's ear. Bri yawned, slowing opening her eyes. The face she saw made her smile. "You stayed" Bri let out a smile. She couldn't believe that he actually stayed. "Yup. Now come on, go get your teeth whitened" Bradley said, arranging Bri's medicine. "OMG why do you sound like Miriam?" Bri laughed. "I pleaded with Miriam earlier to let me be in charge of your regimen from now on, and she said she'd only agree to that if I do a good work today. So come on Missy get your ass up" He stared at Bri who was laughing so hard. "Alright Mr I'll get my ass up and do as you instruct" Bri stood up and stretched. "Also take a bath young lady" Bradley instructed, trying to look as serious as he could. "Yes captain" Bri laughed and walked into the bathroom.
After bathing, Bri came out of the bathroom but Bradley was nowhere to be seen. Bri only saw a note on the bed that reads... 'Hey, I haven't vanished, I'm outside waiting for you to get dressed' Bri chuckled before continuing 'I picked out a dress for you, hope you'd like it. P. S we're going somewhere special today" Bri took a moment to stare at the blue simple flare gown Bradley picked out for her. She haven't worn it in a long time.
Bri hurriedly got dressed, and opened the door.
"I like the dress" Bri said, lowering her head as she smiled and blushed. "You look beautiful" Bradley stared at her. "Thank you" Bri raised her head, and walked back inside her room. "Why did you pick this dress?" Bri asked. She wanted to know why he choose this particular dress, out of all the dresses in her luggage. "Because I love blue. Is that reason enough?" Bradley asked, laughing. "Not really" Bri joined in the laughter. "I picked it it because it's simple and beautiful just like you" Bradley answered.

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