I guess I'm in love :)❤

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Bri rolled to the other side of the bed trying to catch her breath, but she couldn't. It felt as if she was beneath an ocean, trying to make it out alive.
"You can't let go Bri" Was the only thing that echoed in her head, as she felt a gentle touch on her cheek.


"Hey?" Bradley said to Bri the moment she sluggishly opened her eyes. "Hey" Her voice was a bit groggy. "What happened" She asked, looking consternated. The last thing she remembered was being caught by someone and...damn it! That was the only thing she could remember. "You passed out" Miriam said, inhaling deeply. "Passed out? Why?" She couldn't really comprehend what Miriam just said. "Enough oxygen wasn't flowing through your blood to your brain" Miriam replied. "Will I be alright?" Bri took a pause and stared at Miriam. "Hey look at me, I won't let anything happen to you I promise" Bradley meant every word that just came out of his mouth. He couldn't imagine losing Bri. "You don't have to worry sweetheart your superman is here to protect you" Miriam let out a smile, and gently pat Bri on her head. "You'll be fine sweetheart"

Seconds later, there was a knock on the door.

"That must be those two musketeers, they have been worried sick about you" Miriam said as she walked to the door and opened it. "If it isn't my lady" Zayn teased. He enjoys teasing her, making her laugh and calling her 'My lady' Bradley and Bianca enjoys seeing them having a spat, because they sound so funny. "What do you want Mr?" Miriam always ask, the moment he calls her 'My lady'. "You look ravishing as always my lady" Zayn said with a smirk as Miriam weakly rolled her eyes at him. "Come on dude let Miriam go, she have things to attend to" Bianca said, trying really hard not to laugh. "You should have a lot of rest Bri, ok?" Bri nodded. "I'll come check on you later. Do not bother her with your silly ranting Zayn" Miriam stared at him with a frown before walking out. "I love you too!" Zayn's voice echoed.
"Are you alright?" Bianca ran to Bri who found the whole scenario amusing. "Yeah I'm good" She tried sitting up, but it felt a little difficult to do so as she groaned. "Don't try getting up" Bradley said, as he tried assisting her to lie back on the bed. "Bianca and I were worried sick about you, but Bradley cried out his eyes. The dude almost died" Zayn took a deep breath and tapped Bradley continuously on his shoulder, as though he was sympathizing with him. "Hey dude" Bradley felt a little shy. "You ain't gonna deny it Brad, I was also there" Bianca said, staring at him with a smile. Bri didn't know why, but she found everything Zayn said about Bradley cute. "Did you really cry" Bri's tone was low as she stared directly into his eyes. "I umm..umm..." He stuttered, lowering his head. "I think it's beautiful" Bradley raised his head and stared at Bri the moment she said that. "Re...really?" Bradley asked, and Bri nodded. "The atmosphere in here suits just the both of you, so Zayn and I will step out and probably go make out somewhere" Bianca said, and everyone laughed. "Thank you so much for today, I had lots of fun and I wished it didn't have to end that way but..." Bianca cut her short. "Hush sweetheart nothing was your fault. Just get better, so we can have loads of fun again. And we also enjoyed your company" Bianca said with a smile, which Bri returned. " Take care of her Bradley OK? We'll leave now. Take care Bri" Bianca and Zayn walked out of the room. "Do you need anything?" Bradley asked, trying to prevent an awkward moment. "No I'm fine" Bri replied.
There was a long pause before Bri repeated her question.
"Did you really cry when I passed out? " "Yeah" Bradley replied. He didn't care if it was embarrassing or not. "Why, what do I mean to you?"

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