Zayn's funeral

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Bri has been sulking in her room. She'd sob uncontrollably without speaking to anyone until she falls asleep. Miriam tried speaking to her countless times, but she kept pushing her away.

''Enough of this Bri!'' Miriam yelled one morning after Bri threw her medicine to the ground. ''I do not want that!'' She pointed to her medicine which was already on the the floor. ''I do not want that either!'' She thrust her food to the ground. ''I just want to die!!'' Her voice echoed in the room. Bri's statement was accompanied with a hard slap from Miriam. ''Don't you ever say that again'' Miriam's eyes were filled with tears. ''You're never going to say that again. Do you hear me Brianna Stenberg?'' Without waiting for Bri's reply, she embraced her. ''I love you so much girl''

/two days later/

Bri stood outside the hospital waiting for her uber to come pick her up. She's been standing under the excruciating sun for some minutes, constantly glancing at her watch. Letting out a sigh, she turned sideways. And her eyes met his.

Bradley POV

As Bradley drove to the hospital to go pick Bri up, he cursed himself for being so stupid. How could he be on his way to go pick up a lady he no longer shares a relationship with?

''Aaah!'' I'm such an idiot.

He was almost at the garage, when he saw Bri standing at the other side of the hospital. She looked exquisite in her black flare gown, and her black flat shoe. Her hair was neatly tied, and her skin glowed in the sun. Seeing how perfect she looks, Bradley couldn't take his eyes off her. He stared at her, as flashbacks of the day he first met her flooded his head. Bri has been unaware of him staring at her all these while, but turning sideways, her eyes met his. She gazed at him, not wanting to look away. Her heart aches, but there was nothing she could do. She already pushed him away, so he must hate her so much now.

Exhaling deeply, Bradley drove to where she stood.

''Hey?'' He didn't want to sound broken. ''Hey''She replied faintly. ''Are you waiting for someone?'' He asked calmly ''Yes. Uber''

Bradley could tell that she wasn't okay. She was looking thinner and ''NOT OKAY'' and truth be told, it bothers and hurt him.

''You can ride with me'' He lowered his gaze.

Would riding with him be the best thing to do? Bri wondered.

''You can't continue standing under the sun'' After seconds of silence, Bradley decided to break it. ''You can continue waiting for the uber, I'll leave'' ''I'll come with you''

On their way to the funeral, they didn't utter a word. The look on Bradley's face almost made Bri shudder in fear. He wore a long face throughout the drive, and he never glanced at her not even for a second. Bradley on the other hand was dying to look at her, but the memory of how she pushed him away kept stopping him.


''Right now in this same place, I Bradley Sprouse end my relationship with you Brianna Stenberg''

Bri shut her eyes firmly, trying to conceal the tears as those words echoed in her head.

Bradley slowly turned to her. With her eyes shut, he wished he could kiss her and tell her that everything would be fine. But he couldn't do that. He slowly took his eyes off her, and sped to the funeral.

Hours later they arrived at the funeral. Few people where present.

''You must be Brianna and Bradley'' A lady asked the moment she walked to where they stood. ''Yes ma'am'' Bradley replied. ''We're so sorry for your loss. Zayn was a good man'' The lady sniffed. ''Indeed he was. Come on, come in'' She ushered them in.

Brianna POV

Her eyes immediately fell on Zayn's coffin the moment they got into the sitting room. There were red roses around the grave, and few people stood beside it grieving.

Would It be her turn soon? This question dripped down her brain. ''No I'm not going to do this!'' She yelled in her head. ''Bradley was right. Everything isn't about me. This day isn't about me, it's about Zayn. And I'm not going to ruin Bradley's chance of properly mourning Zayn this time''

''Are you okay?'' The lady's question brought Bri back to reality. ''Yes'' She nodded. ''I'm Zayn's mother Rita'' She turned to face Bradley. ''You obviously know why we haven't met until now'' She buried her head in shame. ''Zayn told me you left him when he was still a toddler. He said you visited once in a while, then stopped'' Bradley said. ''Yes. I loved Zayn and his father so much, but I had to leave them'' Tears welled up in her eyes. ''Why?'' Bri asked. ''I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming an actress, but for that I needed to move to another country. Wilson refused to come with me, and he wouldn't let Zayn come either. It was either I remained here with my family, or go to Australia by myself to pursue my dream. And I choose...'' She cried. The word was too heavy for her. ''You shouldn't cry ma'am. I know you must have loved him alot'' Bri said in a comforting tone. ''Yes I did. I loved him a lot, that's why I came here the moment I heard of his girlfriend's demise. I knew it'd break him, so I came here to be with him but he didn't want me around'' She cried. Aunt Lucy ran to where we stood and said, ''I'll take her inside Bradley'' So she gently took her upstairs

There was silence once again. The silence grew....

''That was Zayn's aunt. He lived with her while growing up, until he got his own apartment'' Bradley said. ''It must have been really hard for him'' ''Yes it was, but his aunt loved him like her own'' Bradley replied. ''Where's his dad?'' Bri asked. ''He's late. He died in a car accident years back'' Bradley said sadly. ''Bradley?'' Aunt Lucy called from behind. ''Aunt Lucy'' Bradley gave her a hug. ''Is she alright?'' He asked. ''Yes'' She let out a weak smile before diverting her eyes to Bri. ''Brianna?'' She asked. ''Yes'' Bri nodded. ''Your girlfriend is really pretty'' Lucy complimented with a smile. Bradley looked at Bri before saying, ''She's not my girlfriend''

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