Light fades :(

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"Where do you miss the most Bri?" Bradley asked, not taking his soft and gentle eyes off her. "The ice cream parlor, why?" Bri glanced at him, trying to figure out where he's driving at. "Let's get out of here" He leaned forward and said in her ear. "Where are we going" Confusion was written all over her face. "The ice cream parlor" Bradley replied. "No way" She bluntly refused. "Come on Brianna" Bradley faked a frown, so Bri would change her mind. "Did you just call me Brianna?" A soft giggle escaped her lips. No has has called her Brianna in a long time. "Yeah" Bradley smiled. He couldn't believe how happy he just made Bri. "Come on baby girl let's go have some fun!" Bianca's voice was so loud, it could be heard from a far distance. "Keep it down girl" A voice yelled from outside, and a deep laughter filled the room. "OK fine I'll go, but I first need to go get my credit card" Bri said. She was about stepping out when Bradley held her hand and said "It'll be my treat"

Bradley drove the guys to an ice cream parlor, and as usual, Bianca and Zayn ordered their favorite, the vanilla ice cream, and ate from the same cone, while Bradley and Bri both ordered chocolate ice cream but ate from different cone.
Bianca and Zayn wouldn't stop cuddling and doing those cute things couples who are in love always do.

"You guys look cute together" Bri complimented. She couldn't take her eyes off them. "Yeah and it disgust me" Bradley said, and everyone laughed. "Why!?" Bri couldn't stop laughing. "Because I'm single" Bradley replied. "You no longer have to be single" Bianca smiled, as she slowly averted her eyes to Bri. Bradley slowly raised his eyelids and stared at Bri who was already feeling shy. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Zayn directed his question to Bri. "No" She replied almost immediately. "Everything is set then!" Zayn teased her. Bri was already very shy, and Bradley's cheeks were turning red. "OMG they'll blushing" Bianca teased.

After two hours, Bradley and the guys walked out of the ice cream parlor feeling elated. They planned on going somewhere else, probably the mall, but something happened.
Bri felt a sharp pain on her head, and she began feeling dizzy. She couldn't understand what was happening, non of them could. She began hearing voices telling her to wake up, but they sounded so far. She remembered almost falling to the ground, but was caught by someone who wrapped her around his warm arms and carried her away. She also remembered feeling safe in his arms, as she slowly shut her eyes and everything went dark.
What happened after then? Brianna couldn't tell.

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