Chapter 4

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Never have I ever seen her that upclose. I felt butterflies in my stomach when I scanned her face, that beautiful pretty face. I just really want to check up on her if she's okay but i end up staring at her like a weirdo. I was caught off guard when she pushed me away making me stumble on the ground luckily Lisa was quick enough to help me up.

We look at her retreating figure "common Rosé, don't bother apologizing, not worth it." Lisa said with irritation in her voice.

"Wow .. I thought Jennie got it hard but it seems she's not the only one who got horns on the head" i said shaking my head in disappointment as we walk back to our team.

"Well its true what they say.. birds with the same feather flock together and that my friend is the perfect example" Lisa said while spinning the ball on her hand. Jungkook and his friends jog towards us when they see us coming.

"What was that babe?" Jungkook asked as he put his arms around Lisa's shoulder as we walk towards our practice area.

"The devil 2 strikes on Rosé" she answered.

"What ?! you should have told us we could have got your back" Bambam whined.

"Whatever she doesn't matter to me anyway" scrunching my brows as I remember her perfect face. Fuck really Rosé ?! Perfect face?! Stupid mind, stupid thoughts.

"Its too bad though their faces and body is really fuckable" Hanbin said out of the blue. Lisa and I rolled our eyes then leave the boys alone. I heard them arguing and teasing Hanbin.

"She really is pretty though.. face of an angel but an attitude of a devil" Lisa glanced at me suspiciously. "What? I'm just saying and stating the fact." I said in defensive tone.

"To tell you honestly I don't like these past few days we don't seem to mind each other before. We used to just do our thing not minding others business. Now, every move we make we always seem to start a fire around them."

"Its because she kiss you that night on the bonfire party then you threw beer on her. Well i must admit though her straddling you and kissing you with an open mouth was hot!" I glanced at Lisa and saw her blushed.

"Please don't start Rosé. It really made my blood boil just by recalling it." Lisa said with a clenched jaw.

I laugh at her before she signaled our team to head on the showers. We decided to swing by on our favorite pizza parlor before heading home. The guys were teasing each other endlessly and too loud as usual while we chat at the corner side.

"I heard you threw the ball to Devil 2 and hit her on the head" Seulgi opened up as she devour her pizza.

"It was an accident" defending myself while rolling my eyes.

"Too bad I would have hit her intentionally those girls really needs to learn a lesson" Seulgi said.

"I noticed Jennie's not present in their group today" Sana said.

"Oh that's why the air today seemed so light" Lisa said sarcastically.

"You really hate her guts" i commented and Lisa just shrug.

"I couldn't wait to take down those two! They're walking in the hallways like they owned the fucking school. I mean Lisa is not even acting that way even if her dad is the president of the united states of america!" Seulgi said in wide eyes emphasizing the last words. Well its true though Lisa got everything power, money and fame but that didn't even bloat her mind one bit. She's still down to earth and kind to other people. If she wants something she worked hard on it and not ask daddy's influence or bank account for that matter.

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