Chapter 15

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I felt hot wet kisses trailed on my neck going down to my breast. I moaned at the sensation, then warm hands roam around my body touching me softly, the kisses trailed further to my flat toned stomach till it reached at my covered center. Soft fingertips caress my thighs making me moan. Then she removed my panties slowly.. half asleep I grabbed her hair as she lick my center. I moaned louder when she suck my clitoris and inserted one finger. She fucked me slowly matching the movements of her sucking then later on she added another finger.

"Faster.." I whispered and she complied pushing her fingers further inside me. In and out while circling her tongue on my clitoris. I reached my climax and pulled her body closer to my face. When I opened my eyes I was surprised.. I didn't expect the person pleasuring me is Nancy. My thoughts were with someone else..

Nancy smiled seductively and was about to kiss my lips when I turned my face away instead her kiss landed on my cheeks.

She look at me with concern "what's wrong baby?"

"I need to shower" i said coldly and removed her from me proceeding to the showers.

"Fuck!"cursed myself. I leaned on the cold tiles while the cold water is pouring on my warm body. 

"I miss you lili.." i keep repeating those words in my head.

Her soft kisses is enough to drive me crazy.. The way she look at me last night made my heart jump on restart..

If you really loved me Jennie why did you cheat on me.. things could have been so much easier...

I felt my warm tears mixed with the cold water. I was surprised.. its been a while since I actually cry or laugh.. i recalled how i laugh at her last night for being silly.. how i smiled sincerely and how i gaze on someone with care.. passion..

I could feel again.. because of her.. my once cold numb body was replaced with warmth for just days being with her.

You're so stupid Lisa for falling all over again to the person who made you a heartless bitch.



"Why can't you consider me for once!" Mina shouted while throwing a pillow on me which I just avoided.

"If you want to go home you can go but I'm not coming with you Mina"  i sighed out of frustration.

"Why?! Is your friends more important than me?!" Her gaze darkened with anger.

I woke up and was surprised to see her packing our bags. She said she had a call from her boss saying that she needs to take over a big project and should cut her vacation short which she happened to agree. That's why were having an argument now cause she wanted us to go home.

This is stupid."yes!" I blurted out.

She was shocked.

"I'm tired of this.. I'm sick and tired of you.."

"Where was this confidence coming from?" She said with venom in her voice. "I'm not stupid Rosé I can see right through you.. Its because of Jisoo isn't it?"

"What? What the hell are you saying?" Now I'm pissed off.

"Now you wanted me gone because of her.. i can see how you look at her! Like she's some kind of precious treasure! You never look at me that way!!" Mina shouted with tears in her eyes. "Bet that bitch seduce you under my nose."

"Don't you fucking call her a bitch"i said with clenched teeth.

She snickered "now you're defending her?! Did you have sex when I was drunk dead last night?!"

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