Chapter 11

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"Your fiancé is Irene?!" Rosé blurted out.

We were sitting at a large round table while waiting for the others to arrive. Seulgi planned to have dinner first in her 5 star restaurant before heading to Maldives together. Seulgi is grinning from ear to ear while lovingly caress Irene's bare shoulders.

"I thought you guys knew?" She said.

"Obviously not." I said while sipping on my wine.

"Anyway guys introduce your partners to us." Seulgi said while looking at the girls beside us back and forth.

"This is Nancy..Nancy Seulgi and Irene they're engaged and our reason to stay in Maldives for a while.. Then you've met Rosé and her girlfriend Mina" I started the introductions.

"Hi nice to meet you" Nancy said while extending her hands. They took it and smiled politely.

"So who exactly are we waiting for?" Rosé asked.

"My friends" Irene said smiling sweetly.

My breath hitched when I realized who her friends were. I grabbed my glass of wine and gulped on it. My eyes met Rosé's who reflected the same reaction as me. I saw Seulgi smirked.

"I mean you're not bothered anymore right?" Irene asked with sincere concern in her eyes. "We were still high school at that time.. teenage escapades " awkwardly laughing.

"Right.." i answered.

"Why would you guys be bothered?" Mina asked suddenly scrunching her brows.

"Oh.. ahm.." i saw panic in Irene's eyes hesitating if she should explain or let me or Rosé explain the situation. Rosé was now uncomfortable in her seat.

"They're not really in good terms in the past. In fact our group and Irene's group hated each others guts" Seulgi said saving the awkward situation.

"Oh... yeah I remember my highschool days and believe me Its the worst years of my life." Mina shared laughing. I almost sighed in relief.

"Awee so you're highschool sweethearts and now tying the knot to forever? That is so sweet.." Nancy said while leaning on my bare shoulders. I almost rolled my eyes.

"Oh no there's nothing sweet about that it was pure lust." Irene smirked making Seulgi blushed.

"Honey..." Seulgi warned.

"We have this love and hate relationship back then. Broke up many times but still find each others way in the end.." Irene explained while looking at Seulgi lovingly. Now Seulgi plastered a sickening sweet smile.

My eyes went wide looking at Rosé then Rosé shrugged her shoulders seemed lost of words.

"Aweee .. baby they're so sweet.." Nancy said leaning closer to my face.

I moved back a little and sip my wine. "If you say so.."

I saw Rosé and Seulgi snickered when they noticed how cold and distant I was. Seulgi shaking her head slightly.

Then we heard commotion at the entrance of the restaurant.

"She's here.." Irene blurted out while signaling the guards around.

"Who exactly is here?" I asked. Then on cue the familiar face of Jisoo appeared except her features are now matured not the sexy highschool cheerleader badass anymore but an elegant drop dead gorgeous lady walked like in the runaway making every heads turn inside the restaurant. She wore a red silky flowing dress with one long sleeve shoulder with a long slit exposing her milk white legs. Her long wavy jet black hair followed her every move. We heard whispers. I slightly turned to Rosé who's now stunned to even move. God I hope Mina will not notice that reaction, she could scrape Rosé's eyeballs out.

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