Chapter 18

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I knocked softly at the door within seconds it opened and Seulgi greeted me with confused face. "Hi can I talk to Irene for a bit its really important.."

"Sure.. come inside lucky for you she just woke up." Seulgi said while letting me in.

I put my hands in my pocket and saw Irene turned to me. She sat up in her bed "oh Rosé whats wrong?"

"Sit down Ros." Seulgi said gesturing me to the chair next to their bed.

"Thanks.." then i heavily sighed. "Irene i need to ask you something cause its driving me crazy all night..."

Irene look at me with a scrunched brows. "About?"

"About Jisoo.."

"Oh.." she was surprised and avoided my gaze.

"Please... i need to know the truth.."

"Isnt it too late already?" Irene said bitterly.

I sighed heavily rubbing my temples.

"You and Lisa are the same.." she said with sad eyes. "You're both stupid."

"Believe me I know.."

"No you dont.." she said then sighed. "It's 7 fucking years too late.. i hated you guys.. but i learned to forgive cause my friends forgave you despite all that.. you see when the issue about Jennie and Lisa exploded at the campus Jisoo and I was always there to comfort Jennie.. she was partying all night almost destroying herself and we never failed to go to her parties cause we're afraid something bad might happen to her..  you know how the school hated us due to Lisa's influence so they bad mouth us all the time. I'm sure you heard the stories..One night we were out partying again then this guy came to Jisoo and kissed her on the mouth she was shocked pushed him away and slap him on the face. The guy kept shouting that were bitches. Jisoo cried that night then the next day you came barging in to her house, accusing her of something she didn't do and also said those hurtful words.."

I gasp due to how tight my heart feels like. Its so painful that I couldn't breathe "Oh God.."

"she relied on you.. you were the only good thing left in her life.. she trusted you but she was wrong... you didn't even listen even just for a second or a minute.. you were just like Lisa.. " Irene continued. "I found her at her home curled up on the cold floor while crying your name... i just hugged her trying to reach out that I'm still there.. she still got me and Jennie..days passed and she still cried for you every night when she sleeps she mumbled your name. Till one day she reached her breaking point.. she used drugs... there are times that she's so high that she couldn't even respond to me. I cried cause I thought I lost her.. it gotten to a point that i wanted to put her in rehab but i was scared cause if i do that she might really lost her way." Irene sniff and Seulgi was already at her side.

"Im sorry relieving that moment is really hard for me.." she said while in tears.

"I'm sorry for asking you to do this.." i said while trying to stop my tears from pouring.

"Its okay.. i think its about time you knew.. its in the past know anyways.." she said smiling bitterly.

"She... " i gulped down the bile that is forming in my throat making it so hard to talk."She didn't went to rehab?"

"No thank God.. she've gotten to her senses when she saw Jennie bleeding in the bathtub."

"Jesus!"I exclaimed completely utterly shock.

"We were so helpless.. she was screaming and i was slapping Jennie to wake up and tried to stop the bleeding. Thankfully the ambulance got just in time. That was both their wake up call.."

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