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Third POV

Izuku Midoryia was a sweet young boy. He has Short curly green hair, and big adorable eyes. His eyes were a light green. They always were sparkling and he looked as if you could never take that away. Izuku was quirkless which means he doesn't have any powers, while everyone around seem to be getting their quirks. He was diagnosed Quirkless at the age of 4. Many would think he would of broke down and given up his dream. It would be a Lie if I didn't say he broke down crying as he went into shock, but never gave up on his dream. Katsuki Bakugo was Izuku's Friend. He is an argent boy, with anger issues. His hair was often spiky as if his anger could not be contained into his body was now spread into his hair. He was often found with a frown or smile. The smile came out when he felt cocky or said something smart like. He was often found with a black shirt with a white skull on it. 

With Katsuki leading personality he always walked in front of everyone. Everyone trusted him. When Katsuki got his quirk explosion, he uses his sweat which is a substance like Nitroglycerin that caused him to explode. The thing is everyone says awesome things about his quirk, and it got to his head. Katsuki name was hard to pronounce so Izuku calls him Kacchan.  Izuku was  one of the smartest of his class, but he diffidently wasn't the strongest. For that Kacchan would make fun of him and bully him Mentally and Physically. He calls Izuku Deku which means Worthless or useless, which in Bakugo's mind that fits him.  Little did he know what comes around goes around. For Izuku's path to Herohood does that mean he need to take a couple steps into dark and to get lost.

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