Chapter 2

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"Don't think we are done yet, Deku."  This isn't gonna be good I thought. He picked up my hero notebook. "What ya got, Bakugo? His secert diary?" My classmates mocked at me. After a minute passed I heard a scoff, "Hero anyalize for the furture, lame." They said. Kacchan then took my note book and burned it. "ahhh, that wasn't very nice." I said. He then threw it out of the window. "ACK!" I yelled worrying who might find my notebook. "People just know when someone is destined for greatness, ad that's me. That's the truth and not from my ego." Kacchan said. "Ego" one of them said mokingly. Kacchan paid no attention to them. "Word of advice nerd." He said pausing. then he moved his hand towards my shoulder. "Don't apply to UA. Nerd." He said as if it was Poison.

They then walked away. "Damn, I thought you had at least some fight in you. Lame." One friend said. I looked down in shame. 'Was my dream realy that stupid?' I thought. I heard the footsteps Stop. "You know if you want to Become a hero there is a way." He said pausing. I turned my head to look at him. " You could take a swan dive off the roof and pray you'll get a quirk in your next life." He said mokingly. I then Glared at him. "Problem?" He asked. I then looked down in shame. Then I heard a voice. ' he may be right, you can't a pro because you are Quirkless If you jump right now, nothing would change, sure some tears would be spilled from your mother, but you can take him down with you.' the voice in my head said. 'The answer is simple' It said onece again. "DEATH" We said in unsion. "Did you say something nerd?" Bakugo said. Then I ran after him. "You wanted me to fight, here it is!" I yelled at the boys as I ran up to Bakugo and started to choke him causing him to fall down. Then everything went black. 

Bakugo's POV

"DIE" The nerd said. 'that's my line' I thought somewhat pissed. "Did you say something, Nerd?" I then heard footsteps come towards me. They started to speed up so I turned around and saw Izuku charging towards me. "You wanted me to fight, here it is!" He yelled at the boys, looking straight at me. He held his hand out going for my neck. I fell down because of the force of him running towrads me. I tried to look at him but with the lack of air I was more focused on grasping on all the air. 'This feels fimilar.' I thought... then i looked at his eyes, they weren't the normal green eyes, they were red filled with the desire to kill. 

  I looked out for help but everyone was stuck in fear, a coupple scoffed and me and said "serves him right." I couldn't move my head. I lifted my head and aimed at the back of his bushy hair. BAM my hand went. He winced in pain but he didn't move his hands. I tried again still nothing. 'Forgive me, Deku' I thought as I lefted my hand over his Right eyes. BAM it went. He backed away. My gut told me to run but I didn't, i was stuck with fear. I got myself up when I looked at him and saw what he did. His right eye was bleeding. One, two three drips went on the floor. 

 "YOU ASSHOLE!" He yelled, I was taken a back from the boys sudden change. "You Think You Are Sooo Powerful Just Beacuse You Have A quirk! News Flash, Your Not That Powerful!" he yelled. It hurt the things he yelled. "What's Your Problem, Deku?" I yelled in qustion. "Your my problem, Bakugo. Every breathe you make, makes me sick. You don't deserve to be a hero. Heck You Don't Deserve To be A Alive!" He yelled. 

 'This wasn't Deku, I knew this. He WOULD never call me Bakugo... beside he always idolized me, or was that just an act?' I thought. Everytime I looked at him I felled with sorrow and pitty. He mat never see out of his Right eye. The bleeding didn't stop. "Kacchan," He said with a sick and sweet tone. "Never lower your gaurd. You don't know if someone has the guts to choke you to death." I heard a whisper. I looked to my left as I say a shadow. It looked like Midoryia but I knew it wasn't.

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