Chapter 5

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???? POV

"Did you hear? All Might took down anthor villain." Yaoyorzou said. She had straight slick greyish blackish hair. She had gente black eyes that could sooth any child. She was quite tall, and many boys fawned over her from how busty her boobs were. She was the hottest and richest girl in school. Her quirk was Creation where she can make an non-living thing as long as she knows the mocule formation. "Wow! Really?" I said in amazement. I really don't know how I fell in love with All Might I just did because someone I admired did. "See you tomrow,     "  Yaoyorzou said. Me and Yaoyorzou spilt up since we were going home. Our school is like a private school so we stay in a bit later than the other schools. 

 'I CAN'T wait to see Izuku.' I thought. I started humming. 'People call me a phycopath, lovesick, crazy, sick in the head. I perfer Love sick but does it really matter?' I thought humming when I heard a voice. I giggled as I thought. 'Caught up to you... My Love.' I thought. Clearly something was worring him since he looked my direction but choose to ingore it.  "OI, DEKU I DIDN'T NEED YOUR HELP SO DON'T THINK I OWE YOU ANYTHING CAUSE I DON'T!" Bakugo yelled. 'I swear.' I thought then I herad izuku yell, "ALL MIGHT!" This had gotten my attention since I doubt he would just yell that out of no where. I peered over the corner as I saw All Might turn into some old skelton. " All Might started talking to him about him being a hero and that he can inherit his quirk. Then he started breaking down. 'yesh, I didn't know I were into cry babbies.' I thought. Then I heard foot steps leave. 'SHIT. HE'S ON THE MOVE.' I thought

 I followed Izuku home rembering the first time I saw him. 

It was a hot summer day. I was going to kindergarden when I heard a couple of kids make fun of a kid. I peered as I saw him all beat up. He was so cute. "OI, Deku had enough." The ashy blonde said. The green haired said nothing. "I guess the name really does fit you...Deku. You really can't do anything right." The chubby boy said with red dragon like wings. Then the boy got up. " Kacchan," The greenette said in an sick tone, "If I really am useless, then I'll die useless?" the boy asked. "The ashy blonde turned around with a smirk but then he looked at the greenette in suprise and fear. The pettie green boy charged towards the ashy blonde but missed. I watched in awe. "Why Kacchan, if I were useless why would you bother dodging me and look your termbling." The greenette said in a sick tone, the boy had no words he looked at him as if he had seen a ghost. 'Any one could of missed it.' he charged towrads the ashy blonde within a minute was now choking him. Everyone were speechless. The greentee mumbled something before he passed out.

Eventully we got to my secound home. It was around five thirty or someting and Inko doesn't get home till six or six thirty. I knew Izuku was in his room studying and writtting hero notes until his mom got home. soo... I could get things from Izuku, like his napkin, bandage, his underwear etc. 

Yaoyorzou knows I have a crush on a boy and that's it, since she is my bestie and all. Of course I didn't tell her I was stalking him since she was my only friend. I opened the door as it let out a slight creek. "Mom is that you?" Izuku said. 'Does this boy have super sonic ears or something?' I thought as I thought what I could do. 'I could kidnap him.' I thought. 'nahh.' I thought 'Your not my mom." Izuku said. 

 "Sorry kid... My uh parents run this place and uh...wanted me to do the weekly check around the place." I lied. "oh ok, what's your name." The greenette asked me

"Oh it's uh..." I said pausing. 'Should I tell him my REAL name?' I thought " Sutoka Satsujin." I lied sweat dropping thinking he may report me or something. "Well the place looks fine. So I'll head out." I said turig around. 'Great. He thinks I'm crazy now. Wait I am.' I thought making a little giggle. 'Tomorow I'm going to Akuma J.r High then I'll see Izuku everyday and I'll get his underwear. They will be mine.' I thought 

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