Chapter 10

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"Class 1-A, where is it?" I mummbled under my breathe looking for my class room door. I found the door, it was at least 9 feet tall, "Do giants come here?"  I asked myself as I walked towards the door. "Japan's greatest students are behind this door." I said to myself but after a minute i remembered Kacchan and the blue haired boy was behind this door. I sighed as I remember Yaoyozou and the brown haired girl I saved. I blush at the thought at talking at the girl I saved. 

 I opened the door as I saw yaoyorzou sitting on her desk. She gazed throught the window as it made my heart flutter a bit. Then I heard "Get your feet of the desk, your disrespecting school property already" someone yelled. "ehhh, and who are you?" A fimilair voice said. 'Kacchan' I thought. "Apolgies, allow me to restart. My name is Tenya Iida, from Super Jr.High." The blue haired boy said. His body was strangly rectangulaur simlair to a robot. He had thick glasses and had an undercut. He was also very, very tall. 

 "ehh, so you think you're better than me. I'll have fun getting the stick that so far shoved in your ass out." Kacchan said. Iida gasped. "How villainous, you DARE threaten your own classmate." Iida said especting some remorse on his face. Everything went very quiet as I steped inside the classroom. "Deku." Kacchan said with a light scrowl. I gulped. "Kacchan." I replied with while I sat down. "Tenya Iida from Super Jr. High." Iida said walking towrads my desk. 

 'Seems like he has a slight personality change from yesterday?' I qustioned myself. "Izuku Midoryia, Reipu Jr.High"  I said looking at him dead in the eye. "You can call him Deku, since he wont last a minute here." He said in his old tone. " That wasn't very heroic." Iida said making sure Kacchan knew this behavior wasn't good. 'i'm pretty sure he knew that.' I thought. "Tch." Kacchan said getting annoyed by here breathe Iida makes. 

"I know that messed up hair." A girly voice said. I looked where I heard the voice come from. It was the brunette I saved earlier. Ochako, Uraraka." She said. "Izuku Midoryia." I said as she walked away from me and towards her desk. The tardy bell had rung already and our teacher wasn't here so I decied to gaze at the students to see if I can find some mutants quirks. One student caught my eye in particaliar. 

 The boy had a white on his right and red on his left. He had missmatched eyes. Right has a light grey and the left had a bright teal. His eyes were filled with anger and coldness with a mix of  aloofness. He only had one goal to be a hero. Like the rest of us. I looked everywhere else as I felt a pair of eyes look at me. They never looked more beautfuil. In shock I did the most reasonable thing and looked the other way waiting for our teacher to come. I felt the pair of eyes study me. It made me feel unsteady with unsease. 

Todoroki POV

I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked as I saw a greenette look at me. His face turned a light shade of pink as he faced the board. I studdied the figure as he had a small face and a muscalaur build. I sighed as I faced the board waiting for our teacher to come. Eventully he came with a yellow sleeping bag as he told us to go outside with the gym uniforms that ar in our locker. 

We walked over to the changing room and I saw the greentte take his uniform off I heard a couple gasps and some complaints froma purple pervert. I studdied the boy a bit too long as he looked at me. I quickly changed out and headed out. 'Remember Todoroki. You are here just to prove your old man is wrong.' I remined myself.  Then real chaos started.

Sorry I accidently posted the old chapter before it started so yeah. Enjoy this extra paragraph and Bakugo shemji 

 Enjoy this extra paragraph and Bakugo shemji 

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"Just call him Deku. He won't last a secound here." kacchan said. I looked at the clock as a secound passed I then said "Looks like I proved you wrong, once again. I said. I heard a growl come from kacchan. I sighed. 

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