Chapter 3

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Bakugo's POV

 "Kacchan," He said with a sick and sweet tone. "Never lower your gaurd. You don't know if someone has the guts to choke you to death." I heard a whisper. I looked to my left as I say a  shadow. It looked like Midoryia but I knew it wasn't.

 I looked back to where Izuku was. He kept his distance, his blood red eyes filled hate, his Right eye non-stop bleeding. I smiled knowing there is no way Izuku could get the jump on me when suddenly I blinked and bam he was on top of me again. "HOW THE FUC-" I yelled when Deku put his finger on my lip. "Shhh your going to wake him up, Blasty Bastard." He whispered. "Wake who up?" I said. "Shhh, do me a favor and keep Midoryia around him AND whatever you do don't press chargers. It'll help me out a lot, can't say much for you and society." He said then giggling. he kept choking me. "That is if you leave this alive." He said. Eventully a teacher came cause Izuku was being pulled off of me. It took two male teachers and one student. Eventully I could breathe again as I was grasping for air. Eventully there were alarms as the ambulace and the police came over. The police  qustioned me and the others who witnessed it the attack. 

 I told them everything expect telling them that I told Izuku to jump off the roof and wish for a quirk in his next life. 'I don't need that damn nerd ruinning my chances getting into U.A' I thought. "How serious do you think are his Injures?" I asked the police officer. "He may become blind in his right eye, luckly Recovery Girl deciced to heal his injures." He responed. "Is he going to come to school tomorow?" I asked the principal. He giggled a bit then looked at me. "Oh your serious, He is expelled." He said in a calm demeator. "We're are glad that he didn't hurt you that badly, but you nor your mother wants to press charges." The police explained. "Can I go home now?" I asked the police. "yes, you may." He repiled as I got out of the room. Eventully I found two of my friends. "Hey dude, do you want to go to the aracade?" One of friends asked as we were walking in an allyway on our way to an outdoor shop. "Sure." I said.  "Or we could go to gas station look for some chicks." The other said. "Yeah that a good idea." The other one repiled. "What if we get caught! With that on my record UA would never allow me to go!" I said kicking a bottle.

I then sighed. "H-hey, W-what's that." They said in unsion while in shock. I turned behind me to see a huge sludge villain. "I've allways wanted an explosive vessel." He said jumping onto me. 

Eventully time passed, I don't know how long time passed. One minute in there felt like an hour. There was fire everywhere. The Pro's couldn't do anything. Eventully I turned around and saw Deku. 'No. Not here. I don't want to die here.' I thought as I looked at him. He then dropped everything running towrads me. "What are you doing nerd?" I yelled at him. The last thing I want is to be saved my the one person who wants me dead. "I'm sorry Kacchan. It looked like you needed help. I couldn't stand there watching you slowly die." He said as if I was a weakly. Eventully there was a huge gust of wind for it knocked me and Deku out for a while. It all went black.

A/N How is that for fighting. Izuku is till a cinmon roll well a little bit!

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