Chapter 1

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Izuku POV 15 years old

"Im going to Crush you, Toothpick!" The newest villian yelled. Kamnui woods laughed as he got ready for his next big move. Lacquered Chains Prison! Then Mt. Lady came then yelling "Canyon Canyon!" as she drop kicked him. "You don't have to worry about this bum anymore." She said as a bunch of people took pictures of her.     Then I realized I was going to be late for school so I took a short cut. 

 I went into my homeroom class as we were soupose to for the entire day. I sat at my seat while I hid my face. Not that it matters since my big bushy green hair is so big. Kacchan walked past me and looked at me for a while. I would say glare is more correct but I don't thing he does it on purpose right? I sighed as I heard his footsteps go away as I lifted my head. "Now normaly i'd give papers out for what you wanna be when you grow up... but i'm not gonna waste any paper becuase I know you all wanna become hero's!" Our teacher said throwing the papers in the air. Everyne then started to use their quirk. Well expect me. "You all have good quirks, but remember not quirk usage in school." he remined everyone. 

 Kacchan then said, " Hey teach, dont let me in with these bunch of losers. The best they'll be with is some busted d lister sidekick. " he said. A coupple said some bad things about hime like 'do you thing your better then us Katsuki' or 'your not that great' he replied with "let's go, I'll take you all down." The teacher then chimned in. "Hey bakugo. Your trying for UA, with your good grades you might actully get in." 'wow UA, the one with a point two enrolling score.' a lot of the class said. "In the end I'll be more popular then All Might himself. In the end I'll be the richest Pro!" Kacchan said. 

'He sure has the ego to become the greatest hero.' I thought to myself then the teacher said, "Hey Midoryia aren't you trying for UA, as well?" He just had to as all eyes were on me. "Ha ha Midoryia you got to be kidding, right!" A lot of the class said. "You can't be a hero you are quirkless!" someone else said. "Not true they got rid of that rule!" I said in defense. Then Kacchan came towards my desk and used his quirk on me. 'hE eXpLoEd mY dEsK. wHaT dId tHe dEsK dO tO hIm?' I wondered.  I jumped out of the way as a precaution but it was pretty  digny dang loud. 

"What are you trying to do, Izuku? Compete against me." He askes. "No, nat at all. I just wanted to be a hero for as long as I remembered. It can't hurt to try does it?" I replied glumly. "This school is already ctappy, Izuku. Do you really wanna embrass it even more by failing so hard! You would never surive from the best of the best." He said as they all turned demonic. 'Gee, i guess your the best as well.' I thought. Eventully Kacchan backed of as we went back to our desk. 

 Eventully class was over and I checked over about the new when Kacchan came towards me. saying, "Don't think we are done yet, Deku." In a sour tone. 'This won't end up good.' I thought.

End of chapter 1

A/N I'm thinking about updating every week on Tuesday, will try to stick to it! Let me know if there are any mistakes or any imporvents I can make. 

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