15.The plan

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''Is it alright?'' I asked as I walked inside the living room. Valerio fortunately decided to show up. I let him take a long bath and then cooked some spagetti myself. He sat on the couch in front of the fireplace eating the food while he wore his robe and his hair were slightly wet.

I walked inside and sat on the couch across from him. ''It's amazing.'' he said and he ate the second plate. I guess the car didn't cook for him aswell.

''I'm glad you came.'' I told him and he looked up at me. 

''Thank you.'' he said and took a big breath. ''I don't know what's going on here, Savvy.'' he then said and I nodded. ''One night you say you're going to tell dad I took advantage of you, then act all bitchy on me. And now you tell me you lied to everyone even though you didn't want to? I mean, it doesn't make any sense.'' he said and I nodded again.

''I want to tell you everything. I did from the start. ''I said and he bended closer to me.

''Then do it.'' he said and stared inside my eyes.

''I lied to dad because my mother forced me too. She threatened me.'' I told him and he took a deep breath before sitting back on the couch. ''She told me something and then threatened me that if I told dad or you she would ruin my future and she cut off any money she gives for me.'' I explained and he looked at me.

''What did she tell you?'' Valerio asked and I opened my mouth but the words didn't come out.

''They arrive in three days. We have time to figure out exactly how we can act. I have already a plan. But I'm not sure it will work. I believe we can figure it out.'' I explained.

''Savvy.'' he said firmly. ''What did she tell you?'' he asked again and stared inside my eyes. If I tell him everything is over. She'll do everything to ruin me. But I knew one thing. I knew I loved him.

''He's not my dad, Valerio. Felipe is not my dad.'' I said and I saw his eyes widen slightly. I saw the shock on his face. ''You're not my brother.'' I said again and I saw he was frozen.

''W-what?'' he breathed out and it came as a wishper.

''She told me she had an affair. She thought I was our dad's child so she broke it of with him and then the doctors said that I wasn't his.'' I tried to explained and he placed his hand in his hair as he looked around.

He then got up and paced around. ''Jesus.'' he exclaimed quietly and then turned to me. ''I'm sorry, Savvy.'' he said and I got up as well.

''For what?'' I asked confused.

''Living a lie.'' he said and I looked down before nodded. When I learned that Felipe wasn't my dad I didn't have the time to think about it. I was so happy that Valerio and I weren't related that I lost the true meaning of this. I didn't know who my real father was and I will probably never get to meat him. 

I shook all the thoughts out of my head and looked at Valerio. ''We need to figure out a way to tell dad without my mom knowing. Or we can find proof first. So he will believe us.'' I explained and he nodded.

''How on earth are we going to find proof?'' he asked me.

''I don't know, maybe a text or a photo?'' I asked and paced around. Then it hit me and I turned to Valerio. ''The hospital.'' I said as our eyes locked. He understood where I was going with this.

''We have to find the documents.'' he said and I nodded.

''Or the doctor that told my mom.'' I said and he nodded. Suddenly as our eyes locked and he took a step towards me I heard the front door open and closed and my eyes widened. I turned around and saw our parents walk inside with bags in their hands. Dad looked furious and mom as well.

WISH TO BE YOURS| Valerio MontesinosWhere stories live. Discover now